Reduced movements


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2005
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:) Hi everyone!

I wondered if anyone could give me a bit of advice - as this is my first pregnancy everything is new to me!

For the last week or so,my little Bean hasn't been kicking as often as he was before.When I went to see my Midwife last Thursday she said that I really should have phoned as soon as I felt the reduction in movement,so as they could monitor him.However,when she listened for his heart,he wouldn't keep still as usual,and everything was regular and fine.
I am sure that I have read somewhere that as your pregnancy progresses,as there is less room to move,the movements do become reduced.I have also noticed the kicks more so while I am trying to sleep at night.
Has anyone else experienced this reduction in movement??
Bagpuss xxx
Hi hunni, this is my second pregnancy but my last one only lasted to 29 weeks so as im so far on its all new to me too. From 30 weeks i got less and less movement from baby and was at the midwife every week i had to be taken into hospital alot to be put on teh monitor as i was lucky if i was getting 2 kicks through the whole day but babys hearbeat was fine every time. It is worrying when you dont feel it move but now all i get is it moving from side to side i dont feel any kicks or I have saw me sat down with an ice pack or poking my belly to get it to move but thats just me being nasty poor baby just wants to sleep prob and im poking it just to makesure its ok.

anyway good luck hun for the rest of your pregnancy xx
I am no expert but I have been told the same thing Bagpuss.. that there is restricted movement later on so you feel less.. my sister-in-law rented a doppler for the last 2 months for that reason.. she worried every day.

I am sure all is fine and yes baby is just sleeping when you are awake and awake when you are sleeping.. hopefully things will change a bit when the LO is born!!!

This is my 4th pregnancy and the furthest I have been so far so I think my doppler [Best £55 ever spent!] will be well used by the end of these 9 months!!
My LO is not moving as much as she was which is quite normal nothing to worry about as long as you are still feeling movement. She has always been more active at night then she has been during the day so I can totally relate to them moving at night when you are trying to get sleep!! LOL

xoxo Ree
Hiya Bagpuss

My little boy moved a lot less from 30 weeks - But he proberbly didn't have very much room left because I'm only 5ft tall!
Like your baby, he seemed to be most active at night too. I'm sure everything is just fine with your LO, like you say, just less room to thrash about in!
Try not to worry bagpuss - I had this and when I rang the hospital they told me to do the 'Kick Count' test.

Here it is - give it a go..............

Lie down in a quiet room away from any distractions and drink / sip a large glass of cold water and ice. Rest your hand on your tum lightly - give it a half an hour and you should feel movements (really really sorry but I cant remember exactly how many you are meant to feel) but you should feel some in that time.

If your worried give your hospital a ring.

L x
:) Thanks girls for all of your replies they made me feel a lot better!
Over the last few days he seems to have picked up again with his movements - I tried the cold water test , I don't think he liked it very much,but I could certainly feel him on the move and kicking about :lol:

Thanks again
Bagpuss xx
mines gone a little quieter this last couple of days hun and when i went to midwife today she said hes just lying a lot lower down and running out of room xxx
Hi i had reduced movements with my little girl who is now seven week and was back and forth to the hospital being hooked up to coun her movement and had scans too to check this but all was ok in the end as for counting how many times they move in a certain period they told me now that is old hat and only to be worried if you notice anything unusual but id try not to worry to much about this.
They slow down coz they are resting and getting ready 2 come in 2 the world :D

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