Reduced movement


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2013
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I am 26+3 and feel like baby has not moved as much today, I felt very light tickles but no proper kicks since 4pm ish. I have just been to an ante natal class and hoped as it was relaxing and quiet that I may have felt some kicks, but nothing. Just had a chocolate bar and cookie and now going to go lay in bed with cold water and see if it starts movement.

Some days baby has quiet days and other it is moving around loads, so wondering if it is a quiet day. Any advice? xx
Hmm I think before 28 weeks it's quite normal for movements to be irregular and then after 28 weeks you're meant to look out for more of an established pattern. So hopefully that's the case with you and it's nothing to worry about. BUT having said that, there's nothing wrong with giving your midwife a call to tell her your concerns and see what she says. Even if it's just to put your mind at ease. Better to be safe than sorry?! xxx
Thank you. Ive sat in bed and had cold water and poked tummy and got some kicks! The fear is always there, need to try and relax a little x
I always panic too. Some days though I just don't think I notice baby moving as much as I am busy doing other stuff & then I worry. Also I think as you start getting used to babies movements you can almost miss them..besides when they are giving you a big old boot or elbow!
I think my baby just has lazy days and yesterday was one of those (bit like me at the weekends I guess) LOL! Today has been kicking lots so made up for yesterday xx
I had this over the weekend. Sunday baby was so quiet I was worried. Monday was bouncing around and felt like a huge turn inside me a sensation I have never felt before in either pregnancy. Weird! X
Have a look on count the kicks website it's full of brilliant info and advice about movements. Both my boys didn't develop a proper pattern until about 30 weeks. I think they say to monitor movements from 28 weeks. So dont worry yourself too much. But as somebody else said if you are worried ring your midwife or the triage ward. They are there to reassure you and advise you. Don't be afraid to call them. I went in a few times with my 1st son and they was always fantastic :) xx
When I was 26 weeks I had days where baby didnt move much. It does worry you a lot but after I got to 28 weeks he moved a lot more and more regular.
Problem is my midwife service is not brilliant. I went at 16 weeks and she said to call triage from 28 weeks if any worries about movement etc, went for my 24 week appointment and that midwife said you can call triage from 20 weeks and that from 24 weeks I should be keeping a diary of movements!! So literally I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing, kind of annoyed with the service really as I am a first time mum and to be honest I get all my info from this forum and you guys. xx

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