Recurrent miscarriage testing


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2012
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I have an appointment at the hospital on the 30th November are they likely to do tests there and then it re book me in. What tests will they do? Thanks xx
I had my testing at UCH in early 2012 after 3 losses in 2011.

I was given a few scans, had blood tests (not to freak you out but I had quite a lot of blood taken, so eat before) and a general health check - height /
weight / BP / chat about general health.

The scans were arranged around my cycle but the rest happened at the first RM appointment. I did have to go for 2 separate blood tests as well (CD2 and CD21)

Also my partner was given blood tests at our appointment. So take your OH with you!

We got a BFP the day before we went back for our results and that BFP is now an almost 3 year old boy.

It's awful to suffer from recurrent miscarriage but when your time comes you will be so thankful.

Hope it all goes well

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Did they ask about family histories or anything? I've been building up quite a portfolio of my families health as well. How did your teats go? Did they find anything? I'm waiting for my appoint too. But have at least a 6 month wait ahead The mw said I should have 6 months with no hcg in my system before the tests is this true? Coz I'm trying again before 6 months lol I know one of my tests has to be retaken 3 months later and another I'm going to ask for needs to be a fasting look test. So do they take the blood in the first appointmet?
Sorry for so many questions and jumping in on someone else's thread.
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Thanks for your reply carnat22 I have a 2 year old son but have just recently experienced 3 miscarriages 1 after another. My oh will be coming with me, will be glad if they do the tests straight away xx
Similar to Carnats story...I was on a waiting list for my recurrent MC tests and got pregnant again whilst I was waiting. By sheer coincedence I got the letter for my tests and it was the same day as my 12 week scan. She's now a gorgeous 12 week old girl. Good luck, stay positive x
Did you do anything different you to get your daughter?
Yes did you do anything differently? My appointment is a week on Monday I'm due on next week so time will tell.x
All I did was change my diet and try to relax about it and get on with enjoying life whilst I was waiting. I totally understand how hard it is not to obsess after a mc and the sheer desperation to just be pregnant again but I don't think stressing over it helps. I also used SMEP and got pregnant in oct which I sadly lost and again in Dec which is when I got a sticky bean. I started folic acid every day too before I even got pregnant. Keep positive, if your tests find a problem then at least you'll get answers and help to fix it, if not then it's just a matter of keeping going. Wishing you all the luck in the world x
Well had my appointment got to go for bloods Wednesday to test for clotting issues but other than that there was nothing he could advise and just said we are in a good situation as we already have a child and that we are likely to have a child eventually.... I feel like I'm at rock bottom was hoping that he would advise something he also said that a study has just come out saying how prescribing progesterone after a bfp is bullshit and he wouldn't advise aspirin unless there is a problem. Trying to get myself out of the deep dark hole I'm in just cannot be positive! X
Hey Holsf.
I am sorry to here about your MCs!
Also I am sorry you didn't get better answers at your appointment.
I can imagine it is hard to stay positive but I wish you all the luck in your journey <3
That's not a good outcome. Are you having genetic testing as well? Did he ask about family history? I have too many questions. When are you expecting results I hope you get answers soon.
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Didn't ask me any questions just explained the clotting tests and how they could test for chromosome issues( a pot i take home put in the freezer then if i miscarry again I try to collect tissue) but he said it's hard to get tissue and not blood clots and its a distressing situation sowe decided not to do this. I asked about hormones etc. Just feel it was a waste of time and iv just got to keep trying and if I miscarry again it's just bad luck. Going for bloods tomorrow but not sure how I feel about it and what to do after that really as don't feel all the tests possible have been done . Basically because iv got a child I think they just see that it's been bad luck just really wanted a solution or some advice xx
That's.... not acceptable. What if the durst child was the miracle that wasn't supposed to happen. Argh what a stupid person. I'm strongly considering a career move after all this. But I'm no good with blood lol I don't think it's great if I faint taking blood samples. How many mcs have you had and at what stage if you don't mind me asking. X I'm thinking of you so much and I wish your meeting went better. They took my first mc for testing as it happened in hospital but I don't think they did anything tbh.
Hi they 100% have not done all the testing they can. You need progesterone and hormone tests, thyroid tests (your gp may be able to do all these) , husband needs a sperm test and the chromosomes can be tested through a blood test! Thats unacceptable to tell you to use a pot! They should test both yourself and your husband for chromosome problems. I found out I had a chromosome issue this way. Good.luck xxx
I mentioned about the progesterone but he said that it has been proven that taking progesterone doesn't help and that was the end of that. I had my blood tests today and they took 10 tubes this was for aps and thrombophilia he didn't advise taking aspirin unless there was a problem. I should get the results back in 2-3 weeks and I'm hoping he rings to tell me as I will be asking for a hormone test as I feel My hormones are imbalanced.
I had 2 miscarriages at 4 weeks 3 days and 1 at 5 weeks 2 days so wasn't ever enough to have management and I know they were very early on but still makes you feel heartbroken just makes me feel like there's a problem with implantation something isn't right. I had no problems with my son fell pregnant after 4 months and everything was great why this now? And now the last 2 months I haven't got pregnant just so frustrated and depressed but have to keep on a brave face and soldier on. Xx
It's heartbreaking at whatever stage. I have had one at 4&3 (3 at 7 weeks) but as soon as you get that 2nd line you've bonded. I hope you get answers and of he's still annoying ask if there are any other consultants you can see. I'm on a list of someone who regularly advise's aspirin so I'm hopeful he's going to try lots of different thing's.
When is your appointment? If I do get pregnant I think I might take low does aspirin anyway and see how I go. Let me know what they say at your appointment xx
Will do. Mines not for ages and ages yet. I haven't even got my letter through it could be as long as 6 months away :'( I'm hopefully going to bug my gp for two tests prior to the consultation as my cardiologist has said it may be an underlying course for that and all she did was also book me in for rcmc testing. It's weird she said even if this hadn't been my 3rd (4th but one wasn't "confirmed") she would have pushed through the testing due to my symptoms. So I'm going to push for 2 tests on "health and peace of mind" rather than "give me a baby that can keep its heartbeat". Figured that may be quicker. How long did you have to wait?
I got my letter a few days after I visited my gp and booked my appointment which was a 7 week wait. Gosh yea definitely get on to them and see what they can do to get things moving xx

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