Has anyone else with two recurrent miscarriages pushed for tests?


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May 18, 2011
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As the title says, I am going to push for the hospital to carry out some tests on the embryo after ERPC.
Also testing on me.
Im not being fobbed off with this just being bad luck like they said, and sorry we dont investigate until you have 3 recurrent miscarriages.
Im not prepared to go through 3 before the look into it!
The stats are quite low to say you will have two in a row - I want some answers!
And if it could well happen again - im not prepared to put myself through that.
I mean I know there are no guarantees in pregnancy but I just feel I need to know more.
Anyway, any comments or stories on this would be great. xxxxxx
hi hun, I tried pushing for tests after 2 but they told me the same thing it had to be 3 miscarriages, when it got to 3 they fobbed me off because my bmi was too high i think they just like to make excuses to save money. sorry im not very helpful but thats my story. hope you get tests and answers, good luck xxx
Have to say, I don't think the stats for 2 miscarriages are low at all - from what I can gather, it's very common (sadly). Just in thinking about people in my life for a start, most of the women I know who've miscarried have had at least 2 before having their little ones, or at least one in trying for babies 2 or 3, and their eventual full term pregnancies were pretty much as normal as could be, aside from their nerves! On top of that, out of all of my friends and family who have had babies, only one of them hasn't experienced miscarriage at some point or another! Irony is, she couldn't conceive naturally, and had IVF and ended up with twins! I think miscarriage is far more common than most women realise as people just don't talk about it - it's only know I am realising it. But especially for very early miscarriages, only women who are actively TTC will realise the pregnancy has been lost because they're looking for every sign, you know?

As harsh as it sounds (sorry if this is sounding callous, I'm just being honest) I think the three m/c rule is there for a reason, which is that it's just so common, and so physiologically, it's only at that point questions start being asked from a medical point of view.... to give a really crude comparison (as this is very simplistic so please don't think I am comparing miscarriage to a common cold/illness etc.) but if you suspect you have a condition such as sinusitis or glandular fever, for example, you need to have a certain level of recurrence before any medical professional would even think about considering looking into anything further - the same applies to mc - it's just about the odds, and the odds are that after 2 mcs, there's nothing medically or statistically startling about that figure that would raise eyebrows. I find that quite comforting to be honest - It just reminds me all the more of how common mc is xxx
Maybe stats was the wrong word, ive taken this from a the website pregnancy loss
' after one miscarriage your odds of having another one are very small, less than 20% of women who have miscarried will go on to have repeated losses,so most dr's will assume that if you are healthy and had one loss, particularly in 1st trimester you will never have another one, this is pretty much true.'

After my first mc this is what docs said to me - which kept me going!!

i know i am prob just unlucky , and the fact I am 37 my chances increase. But because of that of havent time to let this happen again! esp as it has taken approx 9 months for me to conceive. i will pay privately if need be. xxx
I do understand how you feel - it is hard when you want reasons why this is happening - My best friend is 38 and had three mc before carry her daughter to full term and was asking the same questions. In the end it just happened naturally - she was actually advised the opposite to you - nothing to worry about, relax, don't stress yourself out and give it another year to conceive. Six months later she was pregnant with her daughter. I hope it all works out for you xxx
thanks abby, hope it works out for you to. Definitely makes you realise how precious life is. xxxx
Hi Corrinne, very sorry that you are going through such a painful time :hugs:
I had just mmc after having operation done for PCOS but fortunately my procedure and ERPC has been done privately which means that my surgeon automatically talked about histology and genetics to be done, he also said that if they can not find there was something wrong he would look into why it happened. As I said in this case I am "lucky" but as you said looking into your circumstances u have every right to get some answers. How about your GP can they do more for u? I know the rule is 3mc for them to be investigating but surely they can look into the woman's age...especially when everybody knows how traumatic it is for us. Hope you will get your answers x P.S. did u try reflexology? Its it good way to get the hormones back to normal and get the ovaries to function as they should :)
Hi Corinne, worth trying but i do think its sadly fairly common especially for first pregnancies, if you've had a healthy pregnancy before i think its more of a concern. hope you ok xxxx
Hi Corinne, worth trying but i do think its sadly fairly common especially for first pregnancies, if you've had a healthy pregnancy before i think its more of a concern. hope you ok xxxx

What do you mean dysco - more of concern as I have had a healthy pregnancy? xx
Sorry hun, just caught up on your other threads and see you have a lovely little boy. well i didn't mean conerning in a time to worry kind of way, but i would have thought you have more grounds to push for testing for if you have had a healthy pregnancy. i think (and its just a think as its not my field) that some of the thoughts on multiple mc's before a health pregnancy are that your body is practising, getting ready to carry a LO, i could see why the rule of 3 would apply then, as hard and awful as it is. but i would have thought 2 mcs after a health pregnancy is less common and therefore stronger grounds for testing! Hope i didn't worry you, it wasn't my intention, just my view on it xxx
I'm going to try one more time and if I have a 3rd mc then will push for answers. I know it's upsetting hon but from what I've come to realise lately miscarriages and recurrent miscarriages are all too common it's just people don't talk about it much. For example I've had 2 now and only told a couple of people for all I know half the women I know could be in the same boat but they've not mentioned it to their wider circle like me. I've realised that the best thing to do next time is not to get excited about the pregnancy until after the 12 week scan. Xx
Hey hun,

I had all the testing after my second MMC and didnt really have to push for it at all, most of the tests are blood tests

I had about 9 viles taken, for clotting, genetics, lupus, immunology. Hubby had blood tests to make sure he was not passing on a genetic problem

I also had karotyping of babies after my last ERPC which came back with 2 normal male babies, so sometimes chromosome problems is not always the answer, but this does not mean you cant have a normal pregnancy in the future.

I had to wait 6 weeks for the clotting results and 8 weeks for genetics and karotyping tests.

Hope you are ok hun, if theres anything else i can help you with let me know hun. xxx
Thanks Nurse, you've been so helpful. So so pleased everything is going well for you! You give me hope. xx

Well everyone,allstaff at the hospital said the same thing will only investigate after 3 MC, unless I go private.
But I spoke to my surgeon very nicely but firmly, and she agreed to do all the testing for me.
So I would say to anyone, if you feel you need answers and not happy to just try and again and see what happens then push for it and they will likely give it to you.
They dont just offer it, cost etc, But If you dont ask you dont get! xxxx
no probs hun, i am glad you got them to do the tests, i heard alot of places say 3mc, my consultant said she always tests after 2 though so guess it just depends which Dr you get, i live in a very small place to i guess she dosnt have to do the tests very ofen so maybe costs isnt much of an issue. all mine were done on NHS.

I had a nosey and the tests to be done privatley is very expensive so glad you are getting them done on NHS.

Hope you are recovering well after the OP, i know you will have up's and downs but this is a great place to vent, thats what i did all the time, talking to girls on here was my saviour.

I had my son, then sadly 2 miscarriages and they point blank refused to run any tests to find out whats wrong BUT they did offer HCG beta testing when I fell pregnant and an early scan so that if there was anything major happening they could try and figure it out!

But I am putting the two down to just 'bad luck' as I am now 28 weeks along...

Fingers crossed for you and I know 'bad luck' sounds soo callous but that may just be the case xxx
I had my son, then sadly 2 miscarriages and they point blank refused to run any tests to find out whats wrong BUT they did offer HCG beta testing when I fell pregnant and an early scan so that if there was anything major happening they could try and figure it out!

But I am putting the two down to just 'bad luck' as I am now 28 weeks along...

Fingers crossed for you and I know 'bad luck' sounds soo callous but that may just be the case xxx

I guess it just depends on the dr or surgeon, but I did put the pressure on, maybe my Mum helped too who came with as OH could not for work commitments,(my Mum was sobbing her heart out bless her, such a sensitive Mum who seems to feel my pain more than me. ).

So glad you had your happy ending ( I think my age helped my case too) as things are looking really good for you now. Im sure the worrying never stops though to you have your LO in your arms.

Out of interest can I ask what sex baby you are having now if you know. As trying to investigate this gender thing. As sure my 2 MC's were girls (as we purposely tried for girls, I also have a son, first born.)

Thanks Jay and good luck hun. xxxxx
I was at the hospital at the EPAU to confirm my miscarriage and I asked them, if they could carry out tests seeing as i've had two miscarriages and no successful pregnancies. They said no, it has to be three, and next time i fall pregnant i'll be consultant lead.
Out of interest can I ask what sex baby you are having now if you know. As trying to investigate this gender thing. As sure my 2 MC's were girls (as we purposely tried for girls, I also have a son, first born.)

Thanks Jay and good luck hun. xxxxx

Yes hun, I wondered the exact same thing as I honestly believe I miscarried two girls and I said to my mum when I got to 12 weeks with this one, Its gonna be a boy :)

And it is so that just add fuel to my theory that I cant carry girls :( xx

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