Recurrent mc + progesterone = healthy pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2013
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Hi ladies,
I had my results yesterday for recurrent mc. The results were fine but my consultant said she will prescribe progesterone from when i get my bfp.

Has anyone experienced anything similar and then gone on to have a healthy pregnancy after using progesterone? Xxx
I'm currently 35 +4 after a number of back to back miscarriages and taking prog to 18 weeks and also aspirin to 32 weeks. a friend of mine is also 25 weeks after prog and being unable to previously sustain a pregnancy. My levels were always really high 60-80ish but consultant still prescribed it to keep it consistently over 100. I don't know whether it was the prog or aspirin or combination of both but I'm certainly a believer in taking it x
Oooh that sounds good hun. Im cautiously optimistic that it will work :) they havent even tested my progesterone levels xxx
I had 6 healthy pregnancies and babies with 1 loss after my 2nd but then had 3 losses straight after one another after my 6th didn't have any tests so had no idea why but after lots if research on Internet and talking to my doctor I decided I would take asprin and progesterone cream once I got my Bfp , it took another yr to get that Bfp after my last loss so I set my plan into action and here I am 27 weeks pregnant with my precious rainbow baby :) was it the asprin and progesterone cream who knows but I like to think it helped in some way , best of luck hope ur next Bfp turns out to be ur rainbow baby :) xx
Thank you hun, so pleased for you :)

She hasn't prescribed cream just tabs, where do you put the cream? :s can you just buy it? Xxx
Yer I bought the cream off amazon researched which to get just to give my own progesterone a boost realy, ya just out it on twice a day on certain parts of ya body , u won't need that if u have the pessery tho x
Ok :)
I am excited now! Just need the bfp to go with it! Xxx
Hello ladies.

Sorry to but in here but I can see you have been chatting about Progesterone levels and I'm curious to know more.

Do you know what your levels were at day 21? My last cycle was 70 and both Doc and I think I had a very early miscarriage in the end as AF arrived with a huge bang! This is actually quite promising news to me if I did actually manage to conceive as we have been trying for 2 and half years. I'm hoping that this month I may finally get my BFP.

I'm wondering why/ why Progesterone is prescribed?
Progesterone is as it sounds: pro-gestation, it is the hormone that sustains pregnancy early on. It acts on the immune system too to allow the embryo to implant as without this it is thought that the body would reject it as a foreign body. It also prepares the womb lining with the right nutrients.

I took progesterone suppositories from 48hrs after ov on my 5th pregnancy after 4 mc in addition to some other treatments and it worked, the result is snoozing in her pushchair!
Thanks Flisstebbs. I'm just wondering if I experience the same again this month (possible early MC) whether I should suggest these to GP?

I hope you don't mind me asking but were the MC early on? Perhaps this has been my problem all along with TTC....
Hi :)
I've never had 21 day bloods my consultant prescribed it 'just in case' my levels were the cause. I'm not sure you will be prescribed it without recurrent mc testing but won't do any harm to ask :)

I had a mmc at 10+4 (didnt miscarry for another 2 weeks), one between 4 & 5 weeks (chemical) and my last was 6+5. Not sure if low progesterone was the cause but i'm willing to try anything lol xxx
Sorry to hijack, I promise it's relevant! I'm currently experiencing my second early mc, back to back. The doctor said they won't test until I've had three, but in all honesty I don't want to get to three!

I do have a perfectly healthy 9mth old so I know I can carry to term.

She mentioned aspirin and progesterone and said shed only prescribe them after 3 mc's, but I have baby aspirin left over from my last pregnancy (it was prescribed to avoid pre eclampsia), which I'm tempted to take this month anyway.

Would you do that or wait and see if it happens again? I didn't realise you could get progesterone cream from amazon- surely it can't hurt to try can it?

Thanks! (And sorry for the hijack) x
Hi Jolly81 - that's interesting. To be honest if I were you I would try it. Surely the doctor would support your decision on trying it. They may refuse it until three mc's due to funding - wonders of the NHS!

If I do experience symptoms of an early mc again this month I think I will consider it. Although I haven't researched much into this myself as yet. x
Don't worry hun! Hijack away :)
I'm really not sure about aspirin. My consultant also recommended baby aspirin (not based on anything really) but i have read an article that was on here, i think Carnat posted it (maybe from miscarriage association) that said there is no evidence to say it will work and if you don't need it medically, it can actually be a cause for mc.

If you took it for your last i'm not sure, did u take it in first tri? Maybe speak to your doc about it xxx
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Found it :)


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Sorry I should have mentioned that I would consider the 'Progesterone' supplements not asprin. I have my cd21 (well having it on cd22) this Friday. That means I'll have to wait a whole weekend to know my results, which I get annoyed with waiting for. I'm terrible and always ring for my results early :)

Well I have been ttc since summer 2011! I'm sure I drive the receptionists mad! lol
Wow that's really interesting!

I started taking it as was feeling a bit indignant about the whole thing, but after reading that I may stop. I'm also still bleeding from my miscarriage (started on Sunday so pretty normal) but it's long compared to a normal period. I wonder if the aspirin is doing this.

I think I'll just stick to the vitamins and folic acid, after all I didn't take baby aspirin until I was 15 weeks with Freddie.

at first I was adamant I was going to take things into my own hands as don't want to suffer another loss, it's too hard, but then on the positive side if I were to lose another bean they've told me they'll do some tests and I'd be monitored more closely through first trimester, so really it seems a bit silly to try the unknown right now.

Thanks for that, it's a bit of an eye opener!! X
I've just bought some different vitamin conception/ pregnancy supplements to usual expensive Pregnacare. They seem to include most of the same vitamins but do have slightly less levels but are 100% of the recommended daily allowance, or just over. I can see that the Pregnacare are way over on the recommended daily allowance; some are 7 times the RDA surely we don't need the extra and our bodies will just secrete all the extra?

I had them from Savers and think they were £1.99 for 30. Much, much cheaper than Pregnacare and perhaps better without all the higher than RDA doses.

Thought I'd just share this.
Hi two quick additions, Search Pregnacare Vitamins on the forum one of the girls had a really good post up about some not so welcome side effects, they didn't agree with me so I had to quit taking them.

I've had 2 MMC's the 2nd pregnancy was twins & as I was 41 they agreed to do all the checks, all came back clear plus Day21 bloods were good, however my consultant give me a perscription for baby aspirin & progesterone pessaries to start if I get another BFP, he said they won't do any harm and they might help me maintain it, I think next time Im going to give them a try, fingers crossed and baby dust to everyone x
I had 2 miscarriages and was lucky enough to be tested after 2. Anyway I was advised baby aspirin + progesterone before my 2 mcs I had a healthy son no problems my results came back ok from my miscarriage tests but was still advised this .. my daughter was born xmas eve 2013 xxxx

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