Reckon I've done enough?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
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Hey guys,

Just wanted some opinions. I usually Ov on CD19 or 20 (I don't use OPKs anymore as went a bit mental using them) and we BD'd the following days:

CD23 (today)

Does this seem enough / too much / right days / wrong days?!

Any ideas would be great. I got my BFP early January but sadly lost straight away and must've conceived on CD18 or 19, but I just want some ideas of when other people get jiggy.

I'm hoping we've done enough but you just never know!!!!

Also been using conceive plus this month (but not with the syringe thing as I'm way too scared for that malarky).

Thanks all (all opinions welcome)

Jolly xx
oh my you have been a busy little sex pot! Lucky for some!!!!

As they say it only takes the once.....but i'd say you've certainly increased your chances greatly!! Also the C+, i don't use a syringe but I use the prefilled applicators, which is similar to the medical syringe, you just pop it up and squeeze! Don't be frightened of it! Just dont put as much as they say, cos it can get quite squidgy up there! I think with the syringe method, the higher near the cervix you get it the better xxxx

Fingers x'd hunny, heres hoping you start getting major symptoms soon!
just out of curiosity, were you following the SMEP?
just out of curiosity, were you following the SMEP?

Not really no, I really want to and always try and keep the plan in mind but because I only know the week I ovulate and not exactly the day I've just tried to get down and dirty as regularly as possible.

I just never know if it's enough, I think for every BFN it's always easy to think you could have done more!!!!

Jolly xxx
it certainly sounds like you done enough and the fact that you've BD's sometimes every other day rather than every day is good it gives the swimmers time to get strong again xx
Ooh that sounds so positive for you this month!! I used c plus the month I got my bfp... I used the prefilled applicators too, quite easy to use. I also took evening primrose oil every day until my suspected OV day.... I didn't use opk, just guessed....we dtd on CD 10, the night I thought I was OVing (lots of clear stretchy cm) then a couple.days after.. We only dtd 3 times the whole month! but that was the month we cooled the ttc for a bit as I had been going looney after ttc for 8 months and 1 miscarriage in Dec.
Good luck honey!! Xxx
Hey jolly, certainly sounding good! I'm on month 3 and think today is ov day (day 12 of 28 day cycle) have been using c+ in the same way as you and bd-d cd4,7,9,11 and am going to dtd tonight and the next two just to try and cover all bases!! Would really love a Xmas baby, if I'm lucky thus month I'd be due 7th dec :) loads of luck and baby dust to u!!

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