Reassurance for those with little symptoms (hopefully)


New Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hi all,

I'm a new poster to this forum but have been lurking for a few weeks just reading posts.

I had my 12 week scan today and everything is perfect so just wanted to give some reassurance to those with few symptoms that it doesn't always mean something bad.

Between 4 weeks (when i found out) and 8 weeks I had some nausea (mostly first thing and in the evenings), sore boobs and I was seriously tired. After 8 weeks the nausea reduced to just the morning (about an hour after getting up), no sore boobs and still some tiredness but no where near as bad as before.

Today, at 12 weeks I feel absolutely no different to before being pregnant but I know my baby is perfectly healthy.

Hope this helps others and looking forward to getting to know everyone.

That does help, thank you for your post, such s daunting time xx xx
Thank you for posting. It is really reassuring to hear nice stories like this. Congrats on your pregnancy, hope it goes nice and smooth. X
Thank you for posting that. It's very reassuring. Hope you enjoy the rest of you pregnancy :) xx
Thanks messy fairy!

Stories like this are very reassuring and congrats on your scan :)
Thank you so much for this - I'm worrying as my symptoms are only light so this has made me feel better x
Its lovley that you put this post up so reassuring I read it the other day after having a total loss of sysmtoms only had a few mild ones anyway but then yesterday the ms came back with a vengance! So don't worry about loss of symptoms as you will be fine! Xx
What a lovely post, thankyou for taking the time to reassure us hun! So glad your scan went well :)

I've also had symptoms which are pretty few and far between... I had morning sickness between 6 and 8 weeks but it wasn't every day, and like you was only for the first hour or so after waking up. Then it went away, came back for 3 days at 11 weeks and now its gone again! I've probably been sick about 8 times in total which is hardly anything compared with some girls. My boobs are NOT sore at all, nobody has even told them I'm pregnant I don't think! I feel I've got off very lightly and always thought being preg would feel much worse... Which of course I am lucky for, but it does make you worry doesn't it?

My scan is another 9 days and I am really nervous, so your post was very reassuring, thankyou! Xx
Glad I could be of help girls, the first trimester is definitely the scariest befause you can't see whats going on and before I was pregnant I had no idea that I would worry as much as I did! xx
awww thanks so much for the reasurrance hun!

im worried that I will have my scan this Thursday & nothing will be in there!

The only symptoms I have had was minor crampiing in the earlier weeks and Ive sore breasts.

No nausea or sickness!
I was 10 days pregnant when I found out and I had absolutely no symptoms until I felt her move at 16 weeks.
Like absolutely none!

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