

Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2012
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I'm bloody furious!!!! I've been trying to keep this off here as I'm quite embarrassed but I need to let it out... I went to the hospital on Tuesday as I was having shocking pain in my tummy ,a doctor came in , he was going through my medical history with me and came across my two miscarriages then he examined me and asked if there was a possibility I could be pregnant and I said I wasn't sure as I was trying he then laughed and said ... ' your 22 , your too young ' he then went on to say that I was probably not having much luck because I am fat which is probably why I had the miscarriages , he then had a rant about people being overweight are selfish for trying for babies. He then looked at me and said 'I'm not saying it's your fault but if you weren't as overweight you'd probably have a baby' with that I stormed out crying my eyes out! Still in pain! A letter of complaint has been written and I am left wounded :( ..... Could it really be MY fault I lost my babies? Did I kill then for being overweight? I was around 13 stone with both of them and I'm 5ft7 and a size 14 ... I'm now a size 16 and 14 and a half stone. I'm trying hard to lose weight. But it's so hard :( .... I feel like a terrible person and I'm so mad at myself and him :( .... Sorry for babbling xxx
Oh my goodness what an awful man. How can he be a doctor?!

Please please take no notice, of course it's not your fault! These things just happen sadly, and anything you did wouldn't have changed a thing.

Sadly as much as it hurts and makes no sense, some things weren't meant to be.

One day you'll get your take home baby, and I hope you never come into contact while that vile man ever again. Xx
Hi Becky, what a shockingly hurtful thing to say, bloody unbelieveable Hun.

Please please dont blame yourself, nature is cruel and there was nothing you could have done. I'm heavier (an inch shorter) than you and you aren't by any means "fat". I was a healthy weight when we lost our baby Rebecca in May last year (23+2 weeks). That dr should be struck off!

I hope you're ok Becky. I'm so sorry for your losses.

Take care and my thoughts are with you *hugs* xx
Disgusting! He should be sacked!! Xxx
What a twat!!! You are right to be angry at him, but not at yourself. It is not your fault, they were tragic losses, but no ones fault. Please make a complaint about that awful man, there is no way he should be allowed to get away with talking to patients like that.

Big :hugs: hon xx
I am about a stone heavier and an inch shorter right now. I've had long discussions about my weight with my gp as I wondered if that contributed to my mc. She is a wonderful doctor and reassured me that weight wasn't a likely factor. She said of course they have to advise losing weight but we and they are all human.

Doctors are not there to judge, and his was certainly an overshare of personal opinion. Absolutely right to complain as his words led to you not receiving a full assessment and potentially needed treatment. x
Wow! That is all! What a total idiot. That's really awful. He made so many mistakes there, firstly that you're too young, secondly that miscarriages can be your fault, thirdly that you're too fat and fourth a rant about 'fat' people having babies! I hope you're ok. Don't ever think it's your fault, and you're right, apart from anything else, how does he know what weight you were when you had miscarriages. He sounds really unprofessional. That time when you wish you recorded every conversation with a health professional on your phone - I've had plenty of rubbish like this. I can't imagine being overweight would affect baby, it's not like you're obese! Getting pregnant yes, but sometimes things just don't work out. Let us know how you get on with that letter. I hope you write exactly what he said and how he said it. Take care x
What a b******!!!!
14/16 is average size nasty man. He cannot possibly say what the cause could be without testing u. Ignorant man. Don't blame yourself. I'm 23... And can think of 5 people off the top of my head around this age who have miscarried... Nothing to do with weight (unless it affects your heart etc) the friends i know range from size 8 to size 16.
I'm around size 10/12 and have had 3 miscarriages. How rude to generalise. And i'll have a child when i bloody well want to (if my body obliges). He had no right to push his opinions like that. Xxx
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Id have twatted him one - asshole! Dont be silly baby...thi gs happen for a reason. Defo not your fault xxx
So much for bedside manner! Totally unprofessional and heartless! I'm glad you've written a letter of complaint.
Please do not blame yourself. Xx
you should have clobbered him hun I think I would have!
For that despicable rant and total lack of any professional behaviour you could report that doctor directly to the gmc. So sorry to hear you had to go through that, how upsetting.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it was bad. Broke my heart hearing it :( ... I look forward to hearing back from the hospital xxx
I'm bloody furious!!!! I've been trying to keep this off here as I'm quite embarrassed but I need to let it out... I went to the hospital on Tuesday as I was having shocking pain in my tummy ,a doctor came in , he was going through my medical history with me and came across my two miscarriages then he examined me and asked if there was a possibility I could be pregnant and I said I wasn't sure as I was trying he then laughed and said ... ' your 22 , your too young ' he then went on to say that I was probably not having much luck because I am fat which is probably why I had the miscarriages , he then had a rant about people being overweight are selfish for trying for babies. He then looked at me and said 'I'm not saying it's your fault but if you weren't as overweight you'd probably have a baby' with that I stormed out crying my eyes out! Still in pain! A letter of complaint has been written and I am left wounded :( ..... Could it really be MY fault I lost my babies? Did I kill then for being overweight? I was around 13 stone with both of them and I'm 5ft7 and a size 14 ... I'm now a size 16 and 14 and a half stone. I'm trying hard to lose weight. But it's so hard :( .... I feel like a terrible person and I'm so mad at myself and him :( .... Sorry for babbling xxx

that doctors an absoloute arse - tiny people can miscarry as well! I hope you feel slightly better now u have let it out - what an awful man :mad: xx
How disgusting to blame someone for their miscarriages. One in four pregnancies end in miscarriage for reasons that are totally out of our control. Please don't listen to him, I am glad you have put a complaint in and I hope they take it seriously. He should be sacked for that, his information is incorrect and he's obviously projecting some of his personal views which is not professional or right in any way xx
We'll, I'm a size 8/10 and I had a mc so he doesn't bloody know what he's talking about!! Definitely complain!!
oh my gosh!!! I am astonished at this. NO NO NO NO NO it is not your fault and I feel like writing a blooming letter myself I am so mad. What so skinny ladies dont lose babies and bigger ladies dont have healthy babies? Id have torn him a new a hole.
OMG Becky he is an ass I'm 5ft7 to I weigh more then u Hun I'm a size 20/22 I had a mc last year and I'm now pregnant I'm 19 weeks Hun it's not u believe me u r u and I found it hard to get my weigh down he shouldn't be a doctor to say things like that make sure if u go again that u don't see him again xxx
Thanks everyone! I got a call from the hospital today ,there is going to be an investigation and the doctor has been temporarily suspended xxx

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