Really upset!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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I know to most people this will sound silly, my OH thinks I'm being silly, but just discovered I have stretchmarks on the bottom of my bump!! :cry: They weren't there yesterday!! I know its to be expected but really don't like them!! Already have them on the back of my legs and bum!! I don't like my body much as it is, before I was pregnant, this just tops it off :cry: I want this baby out now!! I know it sounds pathetic and selfish but I'm just so upset and OH just doesn't understand and has made me feel worse!! Sorry for the rant x x
aww your just at "that" stage, im sure there not that bad, I would really recommend bio oil I had a scar on my right eyebrow VERY noticable and I used it, for a good 6 month every 2nd day and it really made it almost vanish!!! I still use it one a week now. anyway whos going to see your bum lol except your OH and im sure he loves it!!!! hav a good cry in a bath tonight it will help when I feel low thats what I do and it is amazing how better you feel xx
Thanks hun. Have just started using bio oil, as was using palmers cream, so hopefully that will really help x x
I feel your pain, I'm getting depressed over every single imperfection on my body!
love your body its been carrying your precious little baby around for 40 weeks without it you couldnt do that lol. I know its easy for someone else to say I have what I call "ugly" days lol even when im not pregnant, but hey no one is perfect are they

and the bio oil will work but only if you use it faithfully xx
I didn't get any with Lacey then got them 2 weeks before having charley under my bump! I was upset to start with but now I've given birth I think I've had 2 kids so it's to be expected so they don't bother me anymore! Gimme 6 months and they prob will start to bother me though lol
Thanks ladies! I know I'll feel better about it in a few days and esp. when I'm holding my LO :) I just hope its sooner rather than later x x
ive only got a few lil stretch marks im so gutted lol
Hi i know how you feel. I didnt use any oils with my first and got a couple of small ones but they did fade but this time round ive already gone through 2 bottles of bio oil. The stretch marks have got worse this time round but i know they will fade again. Just keep using the oil and you can also put it in your bath water too. At least your oh isnt put off by them in a way cos mine isnt too happy and thinks im ruining my body!!! Men eh! They will never understand what we go through!
Hi i know how you feel. I didnt use any oils with my first and got a couple of small ones but they did fade but this time round ive already gone through 2 bottles of bio oil. The stretch marks have got worse this time round but i know they will fade again. Just keep using the oil and you can also put it in your bath water too. At least your oh isnt put off by them in a way cos mine isnt too happy and thinks im ruining my body!!! Men eh! They will never understand what we go through!

Thanks hun! I know they will fade hopefully! Its just the way I feel about my body generally. I don't think my OH will be as attracted to me after I've had the baby but we'll have our baby and I suppose its just something else that will be changing! :( Men definately don't understand what we go through, got a book for my OH to read so hopefully he would understand abit better and I think he's read the first chapter!! :wall: x x
I got my stretch marks under my bump right at the very end and was gutted. To be honest I can hardly see them now - perhaps that is cos I've still got baby belly hanging 4 years later!! lol I was really lucky cos my friend got the worst stretch marks I have ever, ever seen - her whole abdomen was like corned beef!! really ws terrible but you know she just shrugged and said "so what, I'm a mummy to such a beautiful girl I dont car" and she is sooo right. The red and purple fade to silvery streaks later so its hardly noticible at all. Bio oil does seem to be the best!
I got my stretch marks under my bump right at the very end and was gutted. To be honest I can hardly see them now - perhaps that is cos I've still got baby belly hanging 4 years later!! lol I was really lucky cos my friend got the worst stretch marks I have ever, ever seen - her whole abdomen was like corned beef!! really ws terrible but you know she just shrugged and said "so what, I'm a mummy to such a beautiful girl I dont car" and she is sooo right. The red and purple fade to silvery streaks later so its hardly noticible at all. Bio oil does seem to be the best!

Thanks hun! I know I'll prob feel alot better once bubba is here and have the same attitude as ur friend! Will keep slapping on the bio oil in the meantime :lol: x x
Once you have had baby, you will get your body back, and although it might look a little tired and wonky for a few weeks after, you will soon have it back and looking like you want it, it's just hard to see that at the moment, while your big and ready to pop. I always slim down and treat myself to some new sexy jeans when I'm happy with my figure again, then prance about in slimmer clothes than normal so I can revel with my new figure and fully apprieciate it for a change!
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