Really annoyed!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Firstly, hey!
I haven't been in here yet. I had an absolutely perfect wee boy on the 14th of March.

I'm absolutely raging with my midwife. :( We got home last Thursday. So the midwife was out Friday, and Saturday, then she had Sunday off.
On Monday, she asked me to go to her because she didn't have her scales out with her. She didn't bother coming out on Tuesday, and on Tuesday night Alexander started getting loads of green gunk coming out of his left eye.
By the time she came round at lunchtime yesterday, his eye was swollen and he was unable to open it. I said to her, and she told me it was just mucus, like all babies get. She said she'd ring me today to see if it had cleared up and get a swab done, because she hadn't bothered to bring her bag out with her!! I told her I'd rather get it done while she was there, and because we live behind the GP practice, she said she'd just pass the swab kit through my garden gate, and I could take the swab on my own. :eh: As if I'm gonna do that! Anyway, got the swab done, and about 3 hours later, the swelling round his eye had gone purple and he'd stopped trying to even open his eye.
I rang community health, and got told that there were no midwives around and the every doctor in our area, including the duty doctors, were doing training so I couldn't speak to anyone, and just to ring NHS24.
My poor wee baby has conjuctivitis and is in absolute agony. He's got drops now. But the midwife could have gotten it dealt with earlier. And she's not coming out to see me today!!!

Sorry for the essay. I'm just so pissed off. It would have taken her 5 minutes to give me a ring this morning and see how he is. And after I see her colleague tomorrow I won't be having anymore midwife visits. 5 days out of ten isn't bad I suppose.....
Awww poor thing! If your not happy write a complaint?? Is he better now?

Poor little guy! What an awful midwife!

Congrats and welcome too! Xx
Omg that is ridiculous. Make a complaint. That sounds horrible. Congratulations and welcome xxx
Great to see you here with your wee boy but so sorry about the treatment you've been getting - that's dreadful! How's he doing with tge drops?
His eye's so swollen I can't even get the drops in. :( Taking him up to the duty doctor this afternoon, because I'll need help getting the drops in. xx
Aww... Hope the Dr can help and your little boys eye soon gets better. Xx
Awwww poor little guy, hope gets better soon and the GP helps, that is just awful, you really need to complain, especially asking you to do the swab, what a cheek xxx
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Hi congratulations and welcome! Def complain about midwife. We complained about ours and refused to have her back in the house so they had to find us a new one.
Firstly congratulations!!!

Secondly OMG what an awful sounding midwife. I hope your little man feels better soon xx

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