Real fur: yes or no?

Well thats all it should be, Im not saying Carina by any means you shouldnt wear real fur - i just wouldnt and its because of the way animals are killed for it, thats all.
mrs_tommo22 said:
Well thats all it should be, Im not saying Carina by any means you shouldnt wear real fur - i just wouldnt and its because of the way animals are killed for it, thats all.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
So when are meeting then sexyboobs? :hug: :D
If I could afford a fur coat I probably would. It would be for use in cold weather though. I never wear anything for fashion and generally avoid labels. Not for any great principle of mine I just don't see the need.

There is a huge difference between killing for animal products and animal cruelty. If I did ever buy one I'd be damn careful where it came from.

Agree with the vintage coats, it's a complete waste not to use them. Especially in this age of limited resources.

I'm the same with meat, I'd try anything and I love going past the butchers and drooling over the displays. The only thing I have a real problem with is bugs and slugs... I'd eat them if they were the very last source of food I could get my hands on, and not before! :D
I am a vegetarian, so I don't eat meat, obviously. Fur isn't always more environmentally friendly, though. Think of how much land is cleared to raise the animals the furs/leather comes from. Add to that the transport of animals, transport of their feed, shipping of the animals and/or their skins, the waste of all of the feed if the animal isn't even used for food after... Even if they are eaten, because feeding one cow, for example for food takes enough grain to feed far more people than the cow is going to feed. I tend to wear wool. It isn't perfect, but it is the best I can do on my budget right now.
Also, has anyone seen the reports about Bernard Matthews? They are a British company but they certainly don't treat their animals well! (Or didn't, so they definitely aren't the only ones.) There are only a handful of animal welfare offices to check up on the thousands of farms in the whole country, which is why I think it is very important to be selective about what you buy, if you care about this subject at all.

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