Real fur: yes or no?

No way would i wear it but, i have no problem in cultures where its a necsity it being used, inuits etc kill the animal eat the meat, use the carcas fair enough, no watse no uneccesarry killing !
I used to have a gorgeous fur coat which was an heirloom, meaning that the animals in question died over 60 years ago and I found it a waste to throw it away. I actually had it altered slightly to make it a bit more contemporary. My sister loved it so much then that I decided to sell it off to her when I was a bit skint. I wouldn't buy a brand new fur coat or other garment, but I don't see the problem with vintage items, as they've been made in the past and don't generate demand for more fur.
absolutely NO!!!!

It makes me so sad to think of the poor things that are skinned alive for fur , or bred just to be killed for their fur (and also so many animals are kept in horrible conditions prior to the skinning :( ) Its disgusting. And in this day and age where faux fur is fantastic, theres no need to wear the real thing. I love a bit of fake fur, me! I have it in clothes, and some rather nice soft furnishings :wink: but the thought of real fur :puke: i just couldnt do it :(
Yes, I eat meat, have leather sofas and jacket, and 99% of my shoes are made of leather. So, I am a complete carnivore :)
depending on the animal... I know that sounds bad, but it is true!
SarahH said:
depending on the animal... I know that sounds bad, but it is true!

So which animals would you not eat? Just out of curiosity?

I eat meat, but make a point of only eating meat which is sourced from good husbandry, where the animal had an as good as possible life before slaughter. I haven't had chicken in a restaurant or from a takeaway in years as it's impossible to get them free range.

As long as the animals have been kept in good conditions, I don't have a problem with it, I've even eaten horse meat on several occasions, and would do so again, as it is really tasty.

- And I can only recommend Hugh Fearnley Eatsitall's River Cottage Meat Book for some background reading (and tasty recipes)
widowwadman said:
SarahH said:
depending on the animal... I know that sounds bad, but it is true!

So which animals would you not eat? Just out of curiosity?

I eat meat, but make a point of only eating meat which is sourced from good husbandry, where the animal had an as good as possible life before slaughter. I haven't had chicken in a restaurant or from a takeaway in years as it's impossible to get them free range.

As long as the animals have been kept in good conditions, I don't have a problem with it, I've even eaten horse meat on several occasions, and would do so again, as it is really tasty.

- And I can only recommend Hugh Fearnley Eatsitall's River Cottage Meat Book for some background reading (and tasty recipes)

oh, I was still on the subject of fur.

I'll eat anything... The only thing I would refuse to eat is dog. I've eaten all the usual meat plus, alagator, ostrich, shark, horse, snake, kangaroo
Ah, I was confused because of Morgan's question above.

Can't say I liked shark, way too bitter.
No I would never wear real fur. And I am considering becoming a vegetarian which is a big thing for me because I love meat. I work at Lush Cosmetics and it has really made me aware of animal rights. However, though I do realise eating meat is natural for humans..Most of the time the animal is killed as quickly and as kindly as possible whereas skinning them alive just for vanity purposes is sick and should be made illegal.
No way!!! They are skinned alive and just because it says rabbit fur or what ever doesn't mean it is. It's well known that they use cat and dog fur and label it as something else. And they don't use the rest of the animal as food, it's just left to die after being skinned then burned. Totally barbaric :shakehead: Have you ever watched the undercover vids from china of the poor animals? It would put you off for life, they are treated terribly.
poppy160 said:
No I would never wear real fur. And I am considering becoming a vegetarian which is a big thing for me because I love meat. I work at Lush Cosmetics and it has really made me aware of animal rights. However, though I do realise eating meat is natural for humans..Most of the time the animal is killed as quickly and as kindly as possible whereas skinning them alive just for vanity purposes is sick and should be made illegal.

:clap: :clap:

I agree with Poppy, I think skinning animals just for the sake of people's vanity should definetly be made illegal :puke:
skairdykat said:
No way!!! They are skinned alive and just because it says rabbit fur or what ever doesn't mean it is. It's well known that they use cat and dog fur and label it as something else. And they don't use the rest of the animal as food, it's just left to die after being skinned then burned. Totally barbaric :shakehead: Have you ever watched the undercover vids from china of the poor animals? It would put you off for life, they are treated terribly.

Yes I watched, as well as I watched how animals are killed for meat purposes. I think if you eat and use leather/fur you should know how it is being produced. Just to note, I 100% can tell if it is a rabbit fur and sheep fur (both used for fur fashion) or any other kind of fur. (remeber, I am a northern girl :D ).
And, I never had fur from china or other countries where animals are treated badly to get it. Country where I come from there are regulation concerning animals who are reared/hunted for fur, so no skinning alive.

Basically I dont want to go into argument and have a great big discussion like in BNP thread. I think fur is every persons choice. I am used to it since childhood, its cant compare to any manufactured material warm wise and in countries where it gets up to -30 C its a neccessity. (Not in Britain though).

And, talking overall, fur (legally sourced) is much more enviromentaly friendly then any manufactured Primark and any other high street piece of clothing (not that I dont mind any of those :wink: )

And, lets say in Australia, where kangaroos are more of a pest then a pet, their fur is used in various items. And, the meat is delicios :)
Carina said:
Basically I dont want to go into argument and have a great big discussion like in BNP thread. I think fur is every persons choice. I am used to it since childhood, its cant compare to any manufactured material warm wise and in countries where it gets up to -30 C its a neccessity. (Not in Britain though).

:lol: I was gonna say 'WHAT?! This is Britain, woman! Until I read the rest of it! However, we don't live in places like Russia or the North Pole ( :lol: ) It may be a necessity for them so maybe it's a bit more justified, but here in Britian it's definately not cold and vanity is not a necessity..There are so many other ways you could look fabulous without using products that animals have suffered and eventually died for.

Carina said:
And, talking overall, fur (legally sourced) is much more enviromentaly friendly then any manufactured Primark and any other high street piece of clothing (not that I dont mind any of those :wink: )

Yes that's true that fur is more environmentally friendly but you can't compare it..'Any other high street piece of clothing' isn't made using animals.

I don't want to cause an argument either but people using fur just to look good really goes against my beliefs..But I have my beliefs and you have yours. Please don't take it the wrong way :hug: :hug:
Carina said:

Basically I dont want to go into argument and have a great big discussion like in BNP thread.
I think fur is every persons choice. I

if you don't want to discuss the wearing of fur,perhaps starting a topic called "real fur: yes or no?" and asking for opinions isn't the best way to go :wink:
I Have a small collection of vintage fur coats which i do wear. I have leather shoes and bags and eat meat too. I dont think i would buy a newly made fur item, then again never say never. Whenever i wear a real fur out i always have lots of people asking me where i got my coat because it is beautiful, no one yet has had a go or said anything bad.

I went into my cousins shop a while ago and hanging up were some scarves . In these scarves there was rabbit fur. When i asked my cousin did she know she was selling scarves with real fur she was horrified. She is very against real fur products yet she was selling them. I also had a pair of slippers from a well known shoe store which had a real rabbit fur trim! I can spot real fur a mile off.

Im a country girl i believe in fur and the hunt etc etc but thats another big debate
beanie said:
Carina said:

Basically I dont want to go into argument and have a great big discussion like in BNP thread.
I think fur is every persons choice. I

if you don't want to discuss the wearing of fur,perhaps starting a topic called "real fur: yes or no?" and asking for opinions isn't the best way to go :wink:

I am all for discussing, but not for arguing :wink: I hate arguing :roll: Healthy discussion - yes, arguing - no :lol: :D

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