Real fur: yes or no?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Hi girlies :wave: :hug:

Just being nosey really, would you wear real fur or no?

I originally come from a northern european country, where wearing real fur is nothing out of the ordinary. More a necessity then anything else (it can get up to -30C in winter! brrrrrr), so from early age it is just something I am used to. And I like the look and feel of the real fur on a woman as well. In England I dont need to wear it, it is just too wet and really, it would be way too hot. But I do have a coat trimmed with real fur (collar and sleeves) and have a couple of vintage fur collars from my grandmum :lol:
So, I have nothing against wearing fur, we use leather products, so why not fur? I mean I wouldnt wear somethign like wild cat fur, but rabbit and similar animals, who are actually being used for food... I do mind if the animals who are used for fur are being grown in bad conditions (china type).

What are your opinions?

I would say absolutely 100% no! I dont wear leather either though. I may be being hypocritical as Im not vegetarian. I wouldnt wear any products tested on animals. I would never use anything that had caused the death or pain of an animal for beauty reasons.
No I couldnt stomach an animal draped over me :(
Erm nope I don't think so not for fashion purpoes anyway but I see why certain people do. Like the indians for example, they kill buffalo for their food and use almost every part of their body for something or other.. 1 being the skin for clothes. So I agree in that case. hope that makes sense :)
Im a bad bad girl :rotfl: :lol: :lol:
But I suppose its just what you are used to :D

It is funny but in every other way I am trying to be as green as possible :lol: :D
Carina said:
I mean I wouldnt wear somethign like wild cat fur, but rabbit and similar animals, who are actually being used for food... I do mind if the animals who are used for fur are being grown in bad conditions (china type).

that example is just like leather - if the animal is being used for food too but the reality is that doesn't happen that much
I have part made some sheep skin slippers for my mum for xmas.. the skin has come from an animal who was used for food..and in that respect i have nothing against using it... i have stuffed pillows with the feathers of chickens and ducks we have eatten, and also in that respect.. i am proud of myself for trying to use up all/most of the animal... i would feel guilty to just throw them away when they can be used.. iykwim as for farming animals just to use their skins for coats or whatever.. i dont like the thought of it.. where as if we have a sheep, or cow.. that goes for slaughter...and its skin was sent to be went into pet food..and there was very little waste.. then i would feel ok wearing that hide... not sure if i make sence.. lol
I'm currently knitting some socks with real wool.. does that count? :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm sure it does if I was a bald sheep.

We have a reindeer skin hanging in DH's cave, it came with the husband... but thats one of those Northern things :lol: I keep telling Tia its Ruldolf and Santa might not make it this year on less reindeer power. :wink:

My MIL I think has animal skin clothing...but again they come from way up north where its warm at -20º in the winter and they have to plug their cars into special sockets in their parking lots to get them running in the morning :shock: So it is a necessity although not in Spain me thinks :lol:

I don't like leather and I don't like fur... Leather makes a strange sounds that makes me grind my teeth and fur itches.
When animals are killed for their fur the reality is they are skinned alive too keep the bloody flowing and keep the fur in top condition when its being skinned. :puke:

That alone is the reason i wouldnt wear fur, you cant compare it too leather. The animal is dead and 9 times out of 10 is used for food as well. At least the animal is dead when this done.

I know there are some cultures that do it inhumanely but overall alot of animals have a humane death.

Faux fur all the way!
No. I only wear vintage leather because I would rather it get the most use possible rather than be thrown away, and I have had a (vintage) fur trimmed hood before, but even when I lived in a place that got to -55F with the windchill factor, I didn't wear fur. Layers of wool and modern materials worked just as well, if not better.
Absolutely no way.. disgusting!

Claire x
I have actually got quite a bit on antique fur from flea markets in Paris :oops: sounds bad as i am an animal lover but they have been dead for a long time...long before all these campaigns and things. Not really sure if that justifys it or not. My mum and dad buy alot from Hungary (where they have a house) things like rugs and scarves/hats. I dont wear them very often...just look at them, as i have some beautiful foxes. I would never wear/buy anything that wasnt antique.

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