Re-useable Nappies - TotsBots


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Jun 16, 2008
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I'm looking into using TotsBots re-usebale nappies - the white cotton ones (Aplix fit) I think.

They come in 2 sizes:
1 - 8-18lb
2 - 18-36lb

So how many would you recommen I get of each size?

Also - do I need to but a 'wrap' over the top of them? - If so, how many of these would I need?

I would go for the Bamboozles over the cotton ones if poss, they're slightly more absorbent. How many you get depends really on how much you want to wash. At least 12 if not more (in my house anyway!).

They aren't waterproof so you will need a wrap - I only use one per day. So probably about 5 in total again more if you want to wash less. I wouldn't go for the tots bots wraps, though, they are silly expensive for what they are - I use cotton bottoms wraps even if I'm using tots bots.
I would just buy size 1 at the moment, you've plenty of time to save up for size 2s and look for bargains. We moved up to size 2 when DD was about 10 months old I think but she is quite wee.

I used tots bots size 1 aplix cotton tots and had 16 which was a great number. There were always 5 or so washing and 5 or so drying and plenty spare at any one time. I used the cotton tots, but only as I got them prewashed (but not preworn) at an NCT sale, if I could have chosen, I would have probably gone for the bamboozles too - they take slightly longer to dry but are more absorbent, I think.

I use tots bots wraps and think they're great, but only 'cos I'm a sucker for the funky designs.

Valentine Xxx
Have you seen them? If not, I recommend only buying one or two of the ones you like the look of then washing and drying them to see how long that takes you and what you think of the feel of them etc. We don't have a tumble drier so there's no way we could have managed with 12. We need 20. We mostly use fluffles and they dry really quickly but we have some of the cotton tots bots and they take days to dry on a clothes horse! We've also got a flexitot and it is between the 2 for drying times.

We have been using the motherease air flow wraps as so many people recommend them and we don't get leaks. Today our first wrap from Wee Notions arrived and it's great too. I've heard that the tots bots wrap is rubbish but they have just taken out a new one so presumably it's better.
kalia said:
I've heard that the tots bots wrap is rubbish
Not for me, but my baby isn't a heavy wetter. Just shows you, its each to their own!

kalia said:
but they have just taken out a new one so presumably it's better.
I think you mean the tots bots wraps now come with the extra leg gusset bit, they've been out for ages now. I bought my brand new size 1 wraps over a year ago and they were the *new* design and are absolutely fine - only rubbish for me if OH doesn't wrap it tightly enough!

I'd definitely agree with trying a few first and buying what works for you. It is a lot of money to spend. For example, I wouldn't buy cotton tots if I didn't have a dryer as I find they are really stiff unless you give them a quick 10 min tumble once you have dried them on a line (indoor or outdoor).

Valentine Xxx
It's good to hear that the wraps do work :D They changed the design in April this year and this is what they said about it

"we have improved the design of the wrap, after much consideration we have decided to drop the gusset to create a slim-fitting neater wrap. We have also replaced the lycra binding as in some cases we had reports of it wicking moisture onto clothing. The new binding prevents this from happening and keeps the wetness inside the wrap where it should be!"

So it sounds like it would be worth giving it a go :D
kalia said:
Have you seen them? If not, I recommend only buying one or two of the ones you like the look of then washing and drying them to see how long that takes you and what you think of the feel of them etc. We don't have a tumble drier so there's no way we could have managed with 12. We need 20. We mostly use fluffles and they dry really quickly but we have some of the cotton tots bots and they take days to dry on a clothes horse! We've also got a flexitot and it is between the 2 for drying times.

We have been using the motherease air flow wraps as so many people recommend them and we don't get leaks. Today our first wrap from Wee Notions arrived and it's great too. I've heard that the tots bots wrap is rubbish but they have just taken out a new one so presumably it's better.

Valentine they have changed it again, got rid of the leg gussets and have changed the binding as it wicks.

I love tots bots - have used them with both of mine. As for sizes if you are buying the aplix I would just get size 1 for now, Seren was in her size 1's till 6-7 months, Cally is growing out of them at nearly 5 months. If you got the popper or nippa style you could get away with just buying size 2's and folding them smaller - but this can be quite bulky on a new born and if its your first time with cloth nappies I am all for keeping it simple so just get the size 1's for now. I would recommend getting 15 nappies and 4 wraps (the packs they sell tend to come in this quantity). This is enough for a wash every other day in the early days, then every 3rd day when baby gets bigger.

I also second the motherease wrap recommendation - I love these and they are recommended by almost every cloth using mummy I know.
I've bought these nappies: ... ibre-Nappy

They are very similar to tots bots but I think they're cheaper. The microfibre ones are very very soft...and I've pre-washed them as advised and I can honestly say that they come out of the washer almost dry! On a clothes horse I reckon they'd dry in a couple of hours.

Of course I haven't tested them on baby...she isn't here yet lol but since they're so similar in design to tots bots I took the chance and bought 20.

You can use any wraps over them of course.

kalia said:
It's good to hear that the wraps do work :D They changed the design in April this year and this is what they said about it

"we have improved the design of the wrap, after much consideration we have decided to drop the gusset to create a slim-fitting neater wrap. We have also replaced the lycra binding as in some cases we had reports of it wicking moisture onto clothing. The new binding prevents this from happening and keeps the wetness inside the wrap where it should be!"

My mistake sorry. I have the ones with leg gussets and like them.

Valentine Xxx
Daffodil said:
I've bought these nappies: ... ibre-Nappy

They are very similar to tots bots but I think they're cheaper. The microfibre ones are very very soft...and I've pre-washed them as advised and I can honestly say that they come out of the washer almost dry! On a clothes horse I reckon they'd dry in a couple of hours.

Of course I haven't tested them on baby...she isn't here yet lol but since they're so similar in design to tots bots I took the chance and bought 20.

You can use any wraps over them of course.


I have these nappies and I love them

I also have a wrap addiction :lol: I find the Tots Bots wraps ok.
is it just me that doesnt get on with bamboo then? i dont find them more absorbant.. and they take yonks to dry!

i dont particularly want to big myself up here so dont shout at me.. but there are work at home mums out there that make excellent nappies at cheaper costs than tots bots and little lambs.. who ship from turkey..i know that many mums try totsbots and little lambs because they are the biggest companies in the uk.. but there are loads of small business's that make nappies jsut as well slightly different styles and it could save you even more money in the long run.. perhaps put in cloth nappies into google and see what you come up with xx

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