Re-scan this afternoon..... fingers X'd

Anna Marie

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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... am really scared, feels like I am back in first trimester again with my worries about my weekly reassurance scans.. :( just hoping that the scan this afternoon shows that the Amniotic fluid levels have risen and she has grown a bit.. just want to know all will be OK and she is not in any danger..

:( :(
Hope all goes well for you and little Bodette this afternoon......fingers crossed and big hugs.
Let us know how you get on.

Thinking of you xxx
good luck anna marie & let us all know later, hope all is well with your darling LO!!!

Good luck Anna Marie. This is worry you really don't need after all that you've been through.

I'll be keeping everything crossed for you and Bodette.
Good luck hun im praying for you and your LO
Good luck hun, let us know how you get on. Keeping everything crossed for you.
I have everything crossed for you and i really am hoping everything goes ok.. :pray:
Hi Anna Marie,
Hoping everything went well with your scan, let us know x x

Bev x x
Thanks for all your support and well wishes.. sorry to keep you in the dark but been busy and rather distracted today at work...

No change at the scan.. still same amount of fluid and measurements not conclusive [basically no different to last week] but they want to scan me in 2 weeks again so we are just still hoping and waiting! :( :(

Of course I was hoping for good news but not to be this week.. so please keep fingers and toes X'd that the next 2 weeks are enough for LO to grow a bit and that the next scan does give us some better news. I am worried and trying to stay calm about it all but to be honest its hard.. been such a roller-coaster getting this far.. just want LO to be OK and make it to see the world when she can!!

thanks again xxxx
Oh Anne Marie, I have everything crossed for you.

Must be so hard and stressful at the moment.

Good luck hun and i hope the next 2 weeks fly round for you.
fingers, toes, arms, legs and ears crossed for you:) keep on trukin i an sure everything will be fine:)
glad to see your ok anna marie, was getting quite worried.

glad everything was okish at scan for you.

fingers & toes crossed for 2 wks time :pray:

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