Another scan today.. fingers and toes X'd again!!

Hi Everyone,

Thank you all so much for your support and well wishes! Sorry I couldn't come on last night as we didn't get back from hospital til after 6 and i spent most of evening on phone.. I was mentally and physically exhausted!

Unfortunately the fluid is down again :( and although Bodette has grown a little she is now on the low end of the graph, still within range but under the average which is somewhat concerning. The placenta is fine, my blood flow to and from Bodette is OK too. She is also still extended breech and as there is very little fluid for her to move in my consultant does not think she will be able to turn. This fact coupled with the lack of fluid / growth means an early C-section is looking more and more likely

My consultant obviously tried to reassure us that there is nothing "wrong" and that I am not able to do anything to change the fluid / growth situation but of course I am pretty upset about it and worried. Ideally they want her to keep growing and will only intervene [emergency c-section] if she stops growing altogether.. so my fingers and toes will be X'd for the foreseeable future it seems! :pray: :pray: :pray:
Sorry to hear that Anne Marie but it sounds like the experts have the situation in hand and as long as your LO is with you and healthy it doesn't matter how you give birth does it? Fingers crossed she will keep growing.

Skatty xx
Oh Anna Marie, what a worry.

You will be monitored very closely and they will do what is best for you and baby. Do you know what measurements you have for your little un?

Oh babe what a worrying time for you :( When do you have your next scan to see how she is growing?

At this stage they start growing a bit quicker so hoping for you sweetie xxx
Sorry to hear that the news wasn't any better Anna Marie and i'll be keeing my fingers crossed that LO will continue to keep growing, if only a little bit each day. Every day she's in there is a bonus and you've done so well to have got this far already. Have they given you an estimated weight of what she is at the moment?

Try not to worry and remember that babies are always born early every day and they go on to have a healthy life. Kelly S had her LO early as she stopped growing (I think she was 4lb 14) and she's now a beautiful 6 year old little girl.

Take care sweetie

Tan x
sorry the news wasnt any better for you hun xxx
I have everything crossed for you as well. Keep thinking positive well as much as you can. A c-section is not the end of the world thou at least it is safe for your l/o and thats what you have to think.

When do you know for sure? Do you now have to back each week or so?
My consultant said that ideally the Abdominal Circumference measurement should be over 300 mm before they deliver a premature baby.. he said babies born once past this size stand more of a chance of all being fully developed and healthy.. Bodette is currently 275mm as of yesterday.. 4 weeks ago she was 230mm so at least she has grown and if this trend continues she will be over 300 in aprox 4 weeks .. just have to hope so.

To be honest I am not worried about the C-section.. whatever it takes to deliver her happy and healthy.. I was a Csection baby.. 8 weeks early and only weighed 3 llbs - I was in an incubator for a while cos I was sooooo weeeny but I am here to tell the tale!!

Next scan will be in 2 weeks again.. so at 34 weeks .. I guess depending on those measurements I will know a bit more about what lies ahead for us!!
Hope everything goes ok Anna, like Tan said my brooke was born 3 weeks early due to her stopping growing, i also had very little water around her!

Like the other girls have said the longer she is in there the better and at least they have picked it up early and are keeping an eye on her, i was 35 weeks when they picked it up with Brooke!

Considering the circumstances your little one seems happy enough in there still!

Hope everything goes well for you x
keeping everythig crossed for you :)

Its good that the hospital know what is going on for you and that you are under surveillince - as it were. I know its easy to say dont worry. But I am sure it will all be ok x

Whats happening with work? are you going to finish early?

L x
aww im sorry i hope everything goes well and you have you little one happy and healthy with you soon good luck :pray:

Hiya Anne Marie

Sorry to read your little Bodette is not growing as well as you would like - But the fact that she continues to grow is a plus. You should be reassured by the fact you are under a Consultant and being closely monitored. Like you say, if a C-section is necessary, so be it, as long as your little one is healthy, you can live with that decision, should you have to make it.

for your next scan in two weeks - Really hope your little one has at least maintained her growth, all be it slow growth!

Thanks for the update - Please keep us posted!
Sorry it's not better news Anna Marie, but at least Bodette is growing. That's got to be good news, and every single day she is comfy inside you means she'll grow that tiny bit more, and get stronger.

At least they have spotted it, and are monitoring you closely.

Good luck for the next scan babe.
Thanks everyone, I am taking consultants advice and am at home today.. taking another long weekend.. he was disgusted that I am still at work so i will be working only 3 day weeks for the next two weeks and then finish on 7th July.. YIPEEE!!

I am feeling ok about it all.. decided to cheer myself up and head off to London tomorrow for a mate's 30th and my sister's birthday too so I will see lots of friends and family all in the same day .... will be great for taking my mind off all the worry and pregnancy lark!!!! Promise I won't get over-tired.. staying with my sis so if I need to be a party pooper and crash out i can at any time!!

So have a great weekend everyone and i will catch up with you all on Monday xxxxx
enjoy yourself in London... was going to say shop till you drop but not good advise... you pamper yourself.. and have a really good time..

sorry your news wasn't the best but as the others have said at least litte bod is growing... which is good news...

Hope you enjoyed your weekend and had a relaxing time!

Good news about work! - wont be long till your finished - then you can use the time to chill out and await LO's arrival!

L x

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