

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
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On the month I was pregnant I got a positive on 10dpo so am not adverse to testing early

Last month I had a bit of a nightmare as I had a few false positives with clearblue and so told myself I wouldn't test early again

However I have an appointment tomorrow with my doctor to talk about my m/c and to ask for a blood test to check my progesterone level as my post ov temps seem a bit low somtimes.

Well it just so happens that I will be 10dpo tomorrow so was planning on testing in the morning so that I could tell her if I am and maybe she would take me more seriously. I thought if I get a bfn then who cares, at least I will get advise.

I just told my friend my plan (the only person I confide this stuff to) and she looked at me as though I was an idiot. She litterally said I was being stupid to test early after last months confusion. I felt totally deflated after speaking with her and now don't know what to do. I have been okay with testing early and getting bfn's - I've been doing this for 6 month ffs and have frankly been through worse in ttc than a few early bfn's. The only reason I got frustrated last month was because they were false positives. I wish I hadn't confided in her now, that look of 'let's not get our hopes up' is just what I can't stand seeing in other peoples faces. It's hard enough keeping yourself positive

Sorry to rant but Aggghhhh.

What would you do?

Go with what you wanted to do. Ignore your friend. If your happy testing early then do it, its up to you :hug:
I agree with Jenna, you obviously know what your doing and I agree it seems like a good idea to test before going to docs, just makes sense really!

Go with what you know babe :hug:
Aw thanks you two. Thanks for saying you can see the sense, I didn't think I was being stupid. I think I would have waited this month if it hadn't been for this appointment.
test ! and if u get a poss then ask for a blood test to confirm !

good luck ! :hug:
Ooo, good advice G3M. Do you know if they test progesterone levels when they do a blood test?
erm , i thnk ive had a few progestrone tests lol sorry ive had so many i dunno what was what ! but sure i did have one of these! isnt that what the cd21 is lol sorry i just get told to go and go !
10 dpo seems a lil early to test, but that wouldnt stop me testing.

go for it hun hope its a bfp for ya good luck wiv the docs 2morow

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