

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
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Sorry just need to tell you girlies about this but it will probably be long.

So I told my immediate boss about the pregnancy early because I was supposed to go to sea and had to get taken off. Told him that it was a massive secret and I knew his boss (my senior officer) would also have to know but that was it, I told him we hadn't told anyone else (apart from parents). Thought that that was it but today one of the other officers tells me she knows because someone else told her, the person who told her had seen it written in a senior officer's office on his whiteboard!! WTF!!!!! This guy isn't even my boss and he's got my name and the fact I am pregnant on display so anyone going into his office can see! The girl working for him is a bit of a gossip (as is everyone in the forces) and saw it and then promptly started ringing people.

Okay so I have 3 major issues with this:
1- It is totally wrong that my private medical info is on public display esp. when I have specifically asked for it to be kept secret.

2- What is something goes wrong or tests come back badly and we make a choice? Everyone will know.

3- The military is a small world where news travels incredibly fast, what I am dreading now is that the news will get round to my friends who will then, because they care, post congrats onto facebook BEFORE I have told anyone. So people will know before we can tell them and take this away from us.

Have told DH and he is also annoyed, I am ANGRY. Am I over-reacting?

Sorry about the size of the rant, really worked up over this.
i dont think your wrong to be upset its your personal medical history and shouldnt be revealed to anyone can you complain
I totally agree with you hun. It is unacceptable putting up your personal details in view of others to see.
Is there anyone you could complain to?

When I first found out I was pregnant (9 weeks and 4 days) I had to let my work know and a few others as I was going to be working over in Kosovo for a year. I didn't really want to have to tell them as I am very superstitious but knew I would have to, otherwise I would be working in a foreign country whilst pregnant and under dangerous circumstances. I later found out a few people knew I was pregnant before I had even told them but as I didnt know who had told them I didnt bother to complain and as far as I knew it didnt spread around.

I really do hope you get some sort of an appology.
Sending you BIG hugs x
Thanks girls, I'm going in to talk to the guy I am working for at the moment (have been loaned out to an airstation closer to where I live), he's not technically my boss but I work for him (sorry not explained that very well). He's really nice and knowledgable so I'm going to explain it all to him and see if I can put in an official complaint about it, I'm never going to be promoted so I don't mind ruffling a few feathers!
I agree totally wrong they have to maintain your confidentiality and adding that info on a white board is so not doing that! After waiting for your special moment someone else has now taken that away. Can u put an official complaint in?
I would ring ACAS - it would seem that there has been a huge breach of confidentiality :hug:

08457 474747
God...I would be livid too! That's apalling.

Goodluck with the complaint.

SPC xx
i totally agree, ring ACAS, they are really good (had previous dealings with them at a previous job about management) :wall2: anyway, but im sure its worth putting in a formal complaint because it shouldn't have gone on public display, its just as bad as putting - HAS AIDS on there, discriminatory and needs to be sorted,:mad:

good luck and im sure you will get to a tribunal and maybe some money towards the baby if you play your cards right, :dance: even if its not that far you want to take it, :bump: i would definitely write in because it will happen again until something is said to the offender,

good luck hun and keep us updated

Rant away. That is bang out of order, and I would look into making a complaint.

I have a similar problem where I've told the headteacher and head of department and now other staff in the department are often asking me if Im ok, even had a phonecall this evening to see if Im ok as apparently I've been off colour recently!! What a load of nonsense I have no symptoms at all!!!!

Not sure how far I could take it, even if I wanted to, because of being in the forces-doesn't always equate to "normal" employers. But I will be seeing what I can do, even just to stop this happening to someone else in the future.
OMG that is discusting. I would be complaining as much as I could and I would make sure it was all done in writing as well.

Can you go to the office with the offending white board and take a picture of it to prove your case?

Definately ring ACAS they were brilliant when I was helping my dad sort out his holiday pay from a stubborn employer.

x x x
Well found out today that "apparently" it was never on a whiteboard but was sent out in the weekly sitrep to my whole branch with "maternity" next to my name. Now the senior officer is saying no-one told him not to put it there. Seriously he's a senior officer it should have rang a little alarm bell to double check with me before putting it out there. Spoke to my boss and he said that he did tell this guy that it was to be kept quiet. Problem now is it looks like they are about to start a game or he said/she said. However, I have to speak to DH but I still want to find out what my options are and I'm not backing down yet :)
Absoulutely ridiculous. How unprofessional can some people be!!!

Take it as far as you need to without causing too much stress for you and the little one. xxx
Will be doing, DH is totally behind me on this one. I have changed my facebook security settings so that no-one can write on my wall, hopefully this will hold the news at bay until we are ready to tell out friends and family outside of the navy.
Frankie , just caught up on this, I would be furious too if this happened to me!
Just wondering if they will try to hide behind having to inform via this sheet marked maternity due to the official stuff of your move of site ? I would keep going at them as at the very least they owe you a huge apology
only just caught up with this! it's appalling! hope you get things sorted hun - just try not to get too stressed out about it though xx
That is disgusting I am angry for you. I have told my boss today and like you have only told parents. I have sworn her to secrecy and im hoping she doesnt blab. I would put in a complaint its out of order.
Good Luck

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