Rant about Midwife Service


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2005
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Just wondering if anyone is having the same problem as me.

I was given a number to call and speak to my / a midwife if I needed to. I've only ever had to phone twice (once, with bleeding in July and the other today) I've been having some discharge and throbbing type pains 'down there' - TMI I know!!! :oops:

Both times, the receptionist asked me what it was regarding and I said that I wanted to talk to a midwife (not neccessaily my own - any would do!). Today when I phoned she said there wasnt one there - so I said "thats ok - could you get one to phone me back when they are available?" and she wouldnt leave a message till I told her what was wrong - so I lost my rag a bit them and said "look are you a midwife?" and she said "No" so I said - "well I would like to leave a message for Midwife to call me back please" - but she wasnt having any of it - just kept asking me what it was regarding so in the end I said " Ok I'll tell you - my fanny hurts"!!! ARGHGHHHHH I know I shouldnt of - but talk about the 3rd degree -

This was the 2nd time Ive phoned and I dont see why they cannot just mind their own bloody business - anyway the receptionist referred me to my GP - so thats twice now Ive had to bother the doctors when I could of A) had some reassurance from the midwife - and B) take her judgement of whether I need to see a doctor

Sorry about the rant! but its making me so mad - you pay your bloody taxes all your life - and its not as if I ring them everyweek - twice in 4 months is nothing!

Hopefully will get Doctors appointment tommorow - going to put a complaint in.

P.S Still cant believe I said that to her!! temper temper!!!!!!! D/H cracked up when I told him :lol:

L x
lol, that's so funny!!! (not that you are having problems with the MW service of course, that's just awful and you're right not to put up with it!) i can't believe you said that - well actually i can, as i probably would have done so myself too!!! cheeky receptionist, she should mind her own business!!!
Lol I cant believe you said that either! Good for you. I have only had to phone the midwives station up once and the receptionist was really lovely and put me straight through without asking why. Im sorry to hear you had a bad time with the receptionist.
Patient confidentiality extends to midwife appointments too!
She's just being nosy.

You're totally right, put a complaint it!
I'm a bit mad with my midwife too, there are a team of 4 for my area and I always see the same one. When I went yesterday after searching for the room for 10 mins (new building and no one would help me) I eventually found the midwife, but it was a different one. She never introduced herself or asked how I was etc, she just looked at my notes, listened to the heartbeat for about 1 second and took my blood pressure and tested my urine. She kept saying things like, oh, protien in your urine or oh, you measure 23cm, but never explained what that meant. I had to ask about everything she said. She also rushed me out and made me feel like a nuisance so I forgot all the questions I had to ask her. Is this normal behaviour or am I expecting a bit too much for NHS?? Common courtesy would have been nice... :evil:
Some of them can be a pain!! i never had to phone my midwife but I went several times to my GP as I saw my midwife 3 times in 28 weeks!!! I would have thought she would need to see me more often but it seems they do not really care!!! So I booked a few appointments to my GP but she was not much better either. I talked to her about my discharge being smellier than normal and slightly coloured and she answered me it must be the heat(it was in July) so I thought ok, it did not hurt or itch. when i saw my midwife last week, I told her about my discharge getting a bit worse and straight away she sent me for a test. I know I would not have any news if I do not phone to know. I am not impressed with NHS service but at least they have been quite friendly with me so far!
i'm really lucky with mymidwife, she is the same midwife i had when i was having Amy, she is so understanding and caring and the rest of the team are just as nice,

My friend had a midwife, who when she was inlabour told her not to be mard and that it was her fault that her labourwasn't progressing as she wasn't pushing suffieciently but when the doctor came, he discovered her pelvis wasn't big enough for the baby to fit through!!
She needed a section!!

What annoys me is half of these midwives haven't had kids and yes maybe they are qualified, but nothing can qualify you enough than going through it yourself!!
LOL Amys mum, yes ive always thought exactly the same, how can a midwife sympathise with you and "know what your going through" if they havent been through it themselves??!!!! like you say i know there qualified etc, but to go through it themselves then they really do know what your going through!!
Hi Girls !

Well, I went Docs today and she said she wasnt sure that it was an infection (she took a urine sample and a swab today) and will get results from that next week. She told me I should make a complaint about the midwife service - which I would do if I could get through!!! - so tommorow think I will try again - and remind them about 'patient confidentiality (thanks Urchin)

I not too bothered about the discharge but this mild throbbing / pressing sensation - its 'down there' (here I go again ! :oops: ) but more on the left side where the bone is (not pubic bone at the front) but more underneath - has anyone else experienced this? I just want to know that its nothing to worry about - and a quick word with a midwife is all I want - I just hope that I get through to them tommorow - without the 3rd degree from the receptionist.

Wish me luck!

L x
Hi Kim

Meant to say - my Gp is a bit like that - you always feel like your in the way - or taking up too much time. It really gets my back up .

Oh! by the way rang the midwife service again today! got a different receptionist who was really nice, I explained to her what had happened and she said they dont need the details, and that the other receptionist should not be trying to diagnose my condition over the phone - and that a midwife should refer me to the docs (hello!!! like I said!)

So waiting for one to call me back!

Hope you get on better with yours next time

L x
I wouldn't mind being being rushed so much if they were busy but I was literally the only patient in the whole health centre!! :evil:
Anybody would think we were expecting them to do their jobs!!!!??!!!!!

L x
LOL Yeah I know, and it's such an important job too you would think they would be a bit more sympathetic, especially with 1st timers.
Couldnt agree more - This is my first, and the most support Ive had is on here!

L x
What would we do without this site eh? Midwives should be grateful they nust have so much less work now there are sites like this available!!
hi girls, if i had not had this web site I would have no idea what was happening to me!!

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