Quick question about cycle lengths


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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So this is a back to basics question? Since my AF was 4 days late last month and only lasted 2 days would I still expect it this Thurs (as it would of been if it was on time and I had a 28 day cycle) or should I count from the day I started bleeding and expect it a week on Thurs as that would be a 32 day cycle? Perhaps there is no answer so don't worry - just still having some odd symptoms so want to do a test and was wondering when would be the best time :smile:
Sorry Jen, I am really not sure actually, 2 days is a very short period! Do you often have short ones like that, and was it very light or normal like a period last month? How long have you been havong symptoms for? JJ
Normally I bleed for 5 / 7 days ish but that was when I was on my break from the pill last AF was the first since stopping the pill in my 2th full month off it now. I took a test last month (BFN) on the Saturday and started to bleed on the Sunday night that lasted till Tuesday morning - then nothing thought it would come back but no.

It seemed like a normal bleed all very dark as I would expect at the start - but not the normal length.

I have been having symptoms the last 4 / 5 days but really noticed it over the weekend getting very tired and extremely sore BBs - feel like I don't even want a bra on - but don't want to get my hopes too high as not meant to be trying till the summer so haven't exactly been trying just not preventing :)

Took a clearblue last night and thought there was a faint second line but took another this morning and there was nothing so don't really hold out much hope - been feeling quesy and my tummy is really swollen LOL look like I am 6 months - could it be the pill still coming out of my system?
It could be but its strange that you got a faint positive then a negative. I would try testing again in a few days and i wouldnt be surprised if you got your BFP soon xx

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