quick ebay question (another question)


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
iv won a bumbo seat and the lady dont live far so im going to pick it up and give cash on collection,
but whats the longest you can leave it for before having to of paid for some thing?
i won it last night but aint very flush till next friday when i get paid, should she wait till then? is this resonable with out me getting neg feedback?
The seller usually says how long they are willing to wait for payment do they not?

If not, i'd just send her a quick email explaining the situation, and hopefully she'll be ok with it!
Sent the seller a message, normally so long as you keep the seller informed they are very understanding, but if you leave it without them hearing anything they will prob think you arnt buying it!
i mailed her for her address and it mins in the car but iv only got £40 at the mo to last me a week :shock: as like a twit i lost my bank card but i get paid next fri.

ps bumbo for £16.50 is that good?????

i hate thinking i aint got a bargin :x
Aye, i'd defo send her a message, just explain your situation and as Cat said they are usually really understanding, at least you are being honest with them, can't say better than that hun!
I always message sellers if im not going to pay them the same day. Theyve always said thats fine.

i really really want to win some thing :lol: (hate being out bidded)

its only at £6.26 right now 2bids on it and 1day 22hrs left.

should i just put my maxium bid on it now or am i best to wait till the last 10mins to bid???????
If you have the time to wait, wait untill the last minute and then out your maximum bid in, other bidders wont have much time to keep putting in their bids to beat yours (most ebayers go up in small increments so by the time they reach yours the auction will be over)
cheers hun thanks. yes i have time lol il sit here stalking it... its a bargin :)

iv always wanted one but they are £95 :shock:
Ohhh def a good bargain there. Keep an eye on those who have already bidded, theyre your competiton lol.

i love ebay, ive got so many bargains from it.
il have a huge BF (bitch fit) if i am out bidded which i knew their maxium bid :twisted:
lol! i always get annoyed if i get outbid. i make my maximum bid as high as i can afford to (depending on what the item os worth too) so theres less chance of getting outbid.
is some one picking on me :cry:

in the 2mins since i shared there have been another 2 bids :(
lol iv just noticed she will do delivery for £15.. :think:

im deleting it incase some one on here bids :lol:

im a sore loser
I have never lost an auction yet and have bought over 100 items, I must admit I have sometimes used snipers, but generally I wait untill 1 min before auction end and stick in my max bid, plus a few random pence.
I have bitch fits aswell if i get outbid Oh thinks it is hilarious, i once got so cross with this woman (she had won something from under my nose before :evil: ) bidding aginst me for a blanket for Jack before he was born i ended up paying £15 for it!!!!!

So not worth it and have hardly used it

16.50 is a great price for a bumbo

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