

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
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When do you stop sterilising lo's bottles? Just seems a little pointless now shes on solids and things... I mean we don't steralise the spoons or anything just wash them with boiling water.

Also at what age can you give lo tap water? I read somewhere six months but i cant imagine giving savannah water out of the tap... Isn't it full of lead and things?

Don't mean to sound clueless but... I guess i am. First time mummy and all that!

Thanks Girls
You need to sterilise up til 1yr - but I think you only need to sterilise the bottles as its the bacteria in the milk that needs getting rid of. I know you dont need to sterilise bowls/spoons, you dont even need to rinse with boiled water, just wash as normal.

Tap water isn't full of lead or anything like that, or it wouldn't be safe to drink for adults. As far as I know you can give tap water from 6m/o (you'd be using tap water to make food anyway) but im not 100% on that one. When my eldest was a baby you could do that but I know they've changed the guidelines recently.

My lo had filtered water to drink from 6 months. I never sterilized spoons etc but some people do. Due to how easy it is for bacteria to breed in milk I will continue while lo has bottles which will be 12 months. Iv never had any issues with water but you must boil water for milk.

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thanks for replying.

This is what i thought but wanted to double check to see what every body else thought :)
In the Nhs book (green one, page 57) it said you need to boil water for babies under six months, so should e fine to use normal tap water after that xx
We were told 6 months ok for tap water. Sterilise bottles but we don't sterilise anything else apart from her cups after she has thrown them at the poor dog!

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