6 Months!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Hannah is very soon to be six months. I heard somwhere that you can give them 'anything' from this age.

Now ive been giving her 1 jar of food (and homemade stuff when its possible) every evening for a fair few weeks now. She loves it, and occasionally has a pudding as well. Im still giving her about 4 bottles throughout the day. (oh and occasionaly she has baby porridge in the morning or a rusk)

im still sterilizing everything but plan to stop very soon.

Now my question is, tap water, cows milk, things like cucumber etc how do i introduce these?
can i make her formular with tap water now? (shes always had it at room temp) or not? and cows milk with rusk? how much do i start with etc?

is there any rules i dont know?

cheers :)
ive just read cows milk is a no no till much later? is that true????
you can introduce cows milk in their food i.e. mash with cows milk, weetabix with cows milk etc, its just not meant to be their main milk source as it hasn't enough nutrients in it. Not sure what you mean by cows milk and rusk as I used to just give the odd rusk dry but if you mean mixing it with milk I would perhaps stay with formula.

Not sure about making up formula sorry but I used to give Seren tap water from six months on without boiling it.

Cucumber is great as a finger food, peel it and give it her in sticks so she can gum them. This was a fave with Seren as was banana, pear and steamed carrot (all in sticks so she could hold them)
You are allowed to give tap water from 6 months as a drink but you should still make up formula with boiled water. It is advised that you carry on sterilising baby's bottles until they are a year old but you don't need to bother with bowls and spoons etc. You can start using full fat cows milk to add to foods like cereal or purees but not as a main drink. You can give most foods from now but there are still some things to avoid. I have posted 2 links below which may he helpful :D

http://www.babycentre.co.uk/baby/formul ... lesexpert/

http://www.babycentre.co.uk/baby/starti ... irstfoods/

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