christopher will be 1 on saturday but he still has his milk in a i need to keep steralising the bottles or can i just wash them in hot soapy water??
worried it will make him ill if i dont steralise?????
i always wash bottles in antibacterial liquid.
please help im so confused with this steralising stuff
another question is it ok to give tap water? im reading 2 differet things one saying u give tap water @6 months and the other says not b4 12 months....urmmm help....confused very confused...

worried it will make him ill if i dont steralise?????
i always wash bottles in antibacterial liquid.
please help im so confused with this steralising stuff
another question is it ok to give tap water? im reading 2 differet things one saying u give tap water @6 months and the other says not b4 12 months....urmmm help....confused very confused...
