help needed for steralising question


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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christopher will be 1 on saturday but he still has his milk in a i need to keep steralising the bottles or can i just wash them in hot soapy water??
worried it will make him ill if i dont steralise?????

i always wash bottles in antibacterial liquid.

please help im so confused with this steralising stuff

another question is it ok to give tap water? im reading 2 differet things one saying u give tap water @6 months and the other says not b4 12 months....urmmm help....confused very confused... :? :?

thanks :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Its fine to stop sterilizing at 12 months. I stopped doing Nathans at 7 months :oops: Hes absolutely fine :D I just give them a really good wash with hot soapy water and rinse them well in hot water. Its OK to use tap water from 6 months too (i think i started at 4 months). Not a really lazy mum or anything but with having them close together I was just sick of sterilizing.
thanks hun..thats great info..feel much clearer now thanks so much... :hug: :hug: :hug:
I stopped sterilising bottles with Tia at 10 months when I caught her walking around Granddads garden picking stones up and popping them in her mouth... I thought why am I panicking about all the bugs she might get from unsterilised bottles when she was eating stones covered in dirt... !!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

I can count the number of times Tia has been sick on one hand with stomach bugs and colds. The problems she has had, have never come from lack of sterilisation, and the more bugs you introduce them too at a young age the better their immune systems become.

Don't worry, if your son is 12 months, stop sterilising. You don't need to anymore, and tap water is fine from 6 months, although I personally would use bottle water because tap water tastes like pants in Spain. :roll: Just wash the bottles out in hot soapy water, I wouldn't suggest anti bac because it can leave residue... and that will make stuff taste crappy too.
I've already stopped sterilising Maia's bottles.

Theres no need once they are weaning and getting loads of germs from other babies, floors etc.

Besides, I wash her bottles in red hot water and fill them with boiling water which I then cool! Not much gonna survive that!
My friend has never sterilised her LO's bottles, shocking maybe, but she's been absolutely fine, she simply poured boiling water in them and used them for feeds after they'd cooled :think:
I agree that bugs are good, Isaac's been subjected to all kinds with toddlers around him, and he was only ill the once after the darn 3rd set of immunisations :cry:
i still sterilize the bottles but not bowls, apparantly it is because milk is quite bad if it turns which is why sterilizing is important in the bottles.

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