When to stop sterilising? (also cows milk question)


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2005
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When will/did everyone stop sterilising bottles? I still do Reeces everyday but tonight I'd forgotten to do them so I just used a one straight off the draining board. I've prob no reason to worry as he's nearly 1 and I cant imagine it harming him would it? :?

Just wondered too who is gonna change their babies onto cows milk? I've read that you can start giving them it when they're 1 so is that recommened or is it better to keep them on formula? Also at this age is Reece supposed to use milk only as a drink on mornings and evenings cos I give him it through the day too if he's hungry/thirsty as well as juice/water. How long do toddlers have to drink milk for? Is it a rule that they drink atleast a pint a day until they're 2 or something?

Soz for all the questions I just confuse myself when I start thinking about things lol :D
Hey hun. You can stop sterilizing when they are 1 yr old, but I know people who have stopped a bit sooner, at about 9 months and it does them no harm. Its fine that you used a bottle striaght of the draining board it wont have done any harm

Cows milk they can have from 6 months, but not as their main milk, I just use it in her weetabix. Then from 1 they should have 3 meals a day and a pint of milk, and this can be counted in yoghurts, cheese and any dairy products.

You can keep on giving formula if you want to but by the time they are 1 they can have just cows milk.

anyone correct me if Im wrong but I think Iv remembered most of what the HV told me.

I agree with what Lauz says, that's how I understood the information given to me by my HV as well.

Cows milk is also a lot cheaper and less hassle to prepare than formula so I'll definately swap to cows milk when Olivia is 1.

i stopped sterilizing at 1, but i still like to put Diors bottles in the sterilizer every now and then keeps them looking new
hearts81 said:
How much milk does Dior have now Dionne?

none she hates milk she stopped having it from 9months i try and give her cows milk at night for bed but she prefers water :roll:

she has milk with her weetabix though
God that was quick lol :lol:

So it does no harm if they dont have milk all the time then? Thats what I was worried about I didn't know if it was bad if Reece never got enough milk as he was supposed to a day- if that makes sense :?
i have no idea if its wrong for her to not have milk, but i cant force her, i craved milk when i was preg with her i used to drink 8pints a day lol think iv out her off it, but yh she is fine
8 pints?!!! You should be a ten ton tess lol- you lucky bitch :shakehead: :wink:

Thanks for that though i've always been worried if reece hasn't had enough milk cos there's the odd day he doesn't drink as much as normal. Dior is a healthy little girl so i'm not worried now. Its the milk tubs that make me panic cos they say about drinking 1 pint a day and dont mention that they might have less! :? :(
I stopped sterilizing bottles daily from like 5 months and just gave them a good scrub with very hot soapy water. After that, every once in awhile I would give them a boil. We started the gradual change to whole milk at 11 months. We would mix in like 1-2oz with her 6-8oz bottles of formula. She was on 100% whole milk a week before she turned 1 and we got rid of the bottles then as well.
i stop sterolizing at 6 months, i just make sure i wash them in clean hot soapy water (not in with the dinner plates, pans etc)

and i started mine on full fat cows milk when they were 12 months

if u r stopping sterilising id strongly reccomend surcare washing up liquid 2 wash the bottles, its as cheap as fairy(cheaper where i am) and has no smell or colour 2 it, so doesnt leave bottles smelling like lemon zest or whatever u use lol!!!!
i stopped sterilizing at 6 months, ( i think things are TOO sterilie for babies, they get no immunity from being too sterile.)
I will start ewan on cows milk once i have finished this tin, he is 11 months now so i figure 4 weeks won't make much differencce.
I think they are supposed to have at least 1 pint of milk a day, till at least two, as it contains calcium for their growing bones and teeth, but i'm sure if they are getting yougurt, cheese etc it would be ok, but i'd check with hv, or doctor (i;m not keen on HV's)
Damien doesn't have milk during the day hun, only one bottle in the morning and one at night (if the bugger will take it!) so I wouldn't worry. :D
chloe has 2 bottles 2, 1 in mornin n 1 at nyt, she doesnt always drink all of mornin 1 tho
Thanks all you've really cleared things up for me. i'm going to stop steralising soon then. I'm not sure about the cows milk though as the formula has loads of added stuff in it so surely that would be better is it not? I may just keep him on formula. I wont even save money either :? Formula costs £5.99 and last a fortnight and cows milk will cost £6.16. Is it ok to keep them on formula?
Hiya, I am gonna keep Jack on formula for a while yet because of the added Vitamins and stuff, and as for sterilising SP? sometimes i forget and because i use a cold wter one i have stuff floating for a couple of days because i forget when i last made it up!!!
I like haveing the sterailser there for his dummies and stuff, especially if he has dropped them in the garden and with us having a dog.

Just go with your gut feeling hun x
Formula has all the nutrients an infant needs but by the time they're a year old they'll be receiving most of their nutrients from balanced meals and whole milk will cover the rest.
I stopped sterliising at 6 months and I'll be putting Lydia on cows milk at 12 months.
hearts81 said:
Thanks all you've really cleared things up for me. i'm going to stop steralising soon then. I'm not sure about the cows milk though as the formula has loads of added stuff in it so surely that would be better is it not? I may just keep him on formula. I wont even save money either :? Formula costs £5.99 and last a fortnight and cows milk will cost £6.16. Is it ok to keep them on formula?

Going over this post a I was thinking about giving up sterilising now,
but about formula, they can stay on it as long as you want really. Damien's paediatrition said to keep him on his thickened formula for as long as he needs it, up to 18 months even is fine. Babies don't really need second stage milk if they get the nutrients from food too.

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