Questions about first cycle after miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2007
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Hi ladies,

I've started my first cycle after my miscarriage and it's seems very different from my usual cycles. I started AF on 1st August and it stayed around for 4 days. I spotted for another 6 days, which is not normal for me. Sometimes the spotting seemed to have CM with it, but I never saw any eggwhite cm. I believe that I normally ovulate on cd14, but that's tomorrow and I haven't had any cm for the last two days. I know I shouldn't epexct things to be normal after a miscariiage, but I'm just trying to figure out whats going on.

Can you ovulate without having any cm or do you think maybe its an anovulatory cycle? Did your ovulation day completely change after a miscarriage? I've been looking all over the internet for the answers, but can't seem to find anything. Thanks in advance for you help.
hi sorry about your loss...
yes some cyles can be totally messed up after a m/c! so dont expect everything to be as before...

i wish you all the luck TTC again!!
know how you feel!

with mine, i didnt get an AF for weeks and weeks after my m/c, my cycles totally botched up since m/c!!

good luck hunni!! :hug:
mine seemed not too bad, only came a few days late and then back to normal:)
Sorry for your loss :hug:

Everyone is different, some people don't ovulate for a few months after a MC others seem to return to normal within a few days, Your body might just be taking a wee bit longer to return back to normal. Chart if you can.

I did take my periods as normal for the first 2 months but didn't ovulate.....then i got back to normal....
I was one of the ones who just went straight back on to TTC as soon as the bleeding stopped, but my body took a few months to catch up with my efforts :lol:

Good luck TTC Doll, don't worry if it doesn't happen straight away, it will happen soon..... L:v Yvonne xx :hug:
Thanks everyone. :hug: I think I should probably charting my temps again. Maybe then I can figure out whats going on.

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