

Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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just looked trough all Noas little clothes.. he got loads, loads and loads in 0-1 and 0-3 and 3-6 and 6-9 :roll:
but not much newborn atall.. i always thought he will grow so quick its no point buying loads but.. i got like 7 trousers, 10 vests, 3 cardigans, 7 sleepsuits, 2 hats, 4 mittens and loads of socks and bibs and thats it.. Is this enough for the first month? i know he can wear clothes that are a little big incase i run out.. but i dont really wanna buy anymore newborn clothes.. is 3 cardigans enough? :wall2:
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That sounds like the same as me! I've got hardly any nb stuff! 8 vests, 10 sleepsuits, 4-5 trousers, 4-5 tops and 2 snowsuits! Their not in it for long!
Youve both got more stuff in newborn than I had for Paige! And it was fine :) She didnt grow out of them for about a month and a half though (she can still fit in newborn sleepsuits) and it was still enough. If you feel you need more because noa is small then you can buy stuff when hes here :)
yeah thanks i guess looking at the load i have for when hes over a month i freeked out abit getting this visions that my little Noa will be freezing cold cuz i didnt have enough clothes for him haha bless..
i have pretty much no newborn clothes as ive been convinced im having a chunky baby :) X
Bear in mind as well, it is MAD the amount of stuff that people buy you!!! MAD i tell you :lol:
I have pretty much no newborn clothes either! You're also beating me on the 3-6 months stuff! We're picking bits up for 3-6 and 6-9 but haven't got barely anything yet!
oh i have been given loads and loads from my sister and a friends in the bigger sizes i have not acually bought anything bigger then 3 month. but i got more then enough
i had to get something 6-9 hehe.. it was some jeans from next, they didnt have a smaller size but were to cute not to buy.. he'll grow into them x
He'll def grow into them-all too quickly! Lol!

We were given two outfits from OH's workmates in 6-9 months but I only like one of them!
hehe isnt it hard when someone gives u something and u dont like it but u have to act as though u do.. x
Thankfully I wasn't there when they gave it to him but he knew it's not my type of thing and he had to do the 'oh thank you, thank you, she'll love it' thing! He he
hahaha its so funny when u dont like something :D you have to keep smiling :D

all things from my sister was SO nice and colourful just like i want it. what i got from a friend was 2 binbags full of clothes so she didnt see me go trough it. I liked about 70% of it and the rest is going to charityshop!
I had to go out and buy some clothes for Drake! He's in tiny baby clothes as the newborn ones are too big on him!
:shakehead: nope, he's all mine!

I seriously can't wait for you guys to have your babies... I'm getting impatient, they're taking too long!
yeah well just cuz drake was the gready one had to beat Noa to it! Atleast my boy nows how to behave and will come just in time :D (yeah i am jelous)
I've hardly got anything! We're team yellow, so didn't want to buy too much white stuff. Hopefully everyone will go and buy loads once bubba is here and we know the sex :eh: x x
Yeah well mine just couldn't wait to meet his mammy for kisses and cuddles lol

You'll soon have your boy Hun! He's saving up all kisses and cuddles ready for you and Demba xx

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