Question regarding bedding...


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Ok, so just thought maybe I should make bambinos bed at some point, have the fitted sheet on but thats all. I have sleeping bags, so does this mean I don't need blankets or what?
I'm confussed by this whole matter, don't know if I intend to use the sleeping bags or not, and lo will be in the crib in our room for the first 6months anyway. How many sheets should I put in the cot? Cellular blankets/sheets?
Also what about the crib, this just has a coverlet in it, so one fleece and sheet kind of. Do I need more blankets in this?

Feel like a bad person as I'm not sure on this .x
Newborns shouldn't be in sleeping bags until they are a certain weight. And regarding blankets, it's better your baby is cooler rather then hot. Hot babies are more at risk of cot death. A baby is less likely to let you know it's hot. Where as a cooler baby would let you know.xx
I don't intend to use the sleeping bags until he is in the cot anyhow, maybe should have put that in, not too sure if I will use them or not yet though. :s
Do you think I need another blanket in the crib?
Also how many should I put in the cot for when he does go in there? Want it ready for him x
I suppose it depends on how warm your home is? The optimum temp according to midwife is 18 deg c? I will just play it as it goes. Sorry can't be of anymore help Hun. :-( will keep an eye on this thread myself me thinks.xx
Guessing so. Will see what temperature is average for home and then figure out the sheets etc. x
I have had the temperature egg (can't remember the name of it) in my bedroom for weeks and my room is usually either the right temperature or slightly cool so I have put a duvet and a blanket on the cot - I am skipping the crib - I think with the baby having a sleep suit on and then two covers that would be enough - she will prob end up in with me anyway so I will have a better idea on her temp :)
you can get sleeping bags that can be used from birth, but you're not supposed to use a duvet till 1year.

I've not got bedding yet - cos that was one of the things i've said to a couple of people who asked what we need,

Mothercare site gives you a rough idea of how much to use.
For swaddling I use fleecy ones in the beginning. When they get older and wigglier I only use cellular blankets.
If you buy any baby sheets from Sainsburys they have a really useful table on the back which discusses the amount of bedding to use - I've cut it out and put it in the baby's room to help me.
Thanks ladies think ill be targeting this in the next couple of days :) x
you can get sleeping bags that can be used from birth, but you're not supposed to use a duvet till 1year.

I've not got bedding yet - cos that was one of the things i've said to a couple of people who asked what we need,

Mothercare site gives you a rough idea of how much to use.

Oh I didn't know you weren't supposed to use a duvet is that because of risk of suffocating? Will have to get some sheets and blankets then - more shopping :lol:
mothercare used to sell a cardboard temp gage thingy and depending on what the temp was on!! it would have an arrow next to it with recomendation for how many blankets etc :) not sure if they still sell them wll have a look around for you!! x
mothercare used to sell a cardboard temp gage thingy and depending on what the temp was on!! it would have an arrow next to it with recomendation for how many blankets etc :) not sure if they still sell them wll have a look around for you!! x

dont think they sell them anymore as i lookd but came across this site and if scroll down it tell u ideal temp of baby room and what tog to use!! it then brakes down the tog in a box of what the vest, sleepsuit sheet and blanket etc are in tog valus so u dont over/underheat ur baby
I also have the gro-egg (temperature egg) but haven't put it up yet. Will do this later on today then can see an average what temperature the rooms get. I think my dad has been playing with the heating because it seemed rather warm last night :s x
For Josh, we swaddled/wrapped him in one blanket, and layed another ontop of him, then added another depending on the temperature xx
At my antenatal class, the midwife said it was best to determine the temp by the blankets you put on the baby rather than what you dress them in - she said to dress them in a vest and sleepsuit (unless it hot, then I guess you only need one layer) and then vary the number of blankets you put on them.

I've gone for a fitted sheet on the bottom, then I'll use a flat sheet and one or two blankets depending on the heat of the room. Feeling the baby's tummy can give you an idea of how warm they are.

The midwife also said that the clothes your baby wears and the sheets and blankets should always be 100% cotton, because it allows air to circulate. She said babies should never be wrapped up in fleeces (I think this is a fair point as fleeces can make you hot and sweaty).

So, I'm going for cotton fitted sheet, flat sheet and 1-2 cellular blankets (aiming to get 2-3 lots of this so I can have some in the wash).

I hope that helps - I'm playing it by ear, but with the help of my midwife and Mum!
At my antenatal class, the midwife said it was best to determine the temp by the blankets you put on the baby rather than what you dress them in - she said to dress them in a vest and sleepsuit (unless it hot, then I guess you only need one layer) and then vary the number of blankets you put on them.

I've gone for a fitted sheet on the bottom, then I'll use a flat sheet and one or two blankets depending on the heat of the room. Feeling the baby's tummy can give you an idea of how warm they are.

The midwife also said that the clothes your baby wears and the sheets and blankets should always be 100% cotton, because it allows air to circulate. She said babies should never be wrapped up in fleeces (I think this is a fair point as fleeces can make you hot and sweaty).

So, I'm going for cotton fitted sheet, flat sheet and 1-2 cellular blankets (aiming to get 2-3 lots of this so I can have some in the wash).

I hope that helps - I'm playing it by ear, but with the help of my midwife and Mum!

I might be wrong, but i think i was told back of the neck was the best place to see how hot they are, this is what we always did with Josh, his tummy was always warm x
Great tips ladies! i was wondering about this, i have fitted sheets and some blankets, think i need to stock up on some more cotton ones!think i will use sleeping bags when LO is big enough too! xx
I've just dressed Pip's cot and put a fitted sheet on, a cellular blanket and a fleece blanket. Pip will be swaddled so will possibly have to remove one layer depending on the temp of his room. Just dressed it for the sake of completeness at the mo :D makes me feel better lol!

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