Question for a fellow bezzie...


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2012
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Hi Ladies..
Bit of a question for the ones who've had kiddies before or understand labour...

A friend of mine is having some pains at the moment, part of her plug has come away, the browny stuff, her MW reckons she has more plug to come...

She said she has got a backache and a dull period pain like ache... Belly goes rock solid then a shooting pain happens...
Shooting pains are lasting 3 mins and are about 10 min apart and they take her breath away but the dull ache is constant...

She said the pains are VERY different to Braxton Hicks

NO waters have gone though..

Could she be starting labour!? :shock:
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It sounds very much like it!!

Eeek I'm excited for her!!

Shes having a bath atm and she said her groins hurting to bend over and turn the taps off...

She don't know much about labour lol...
Whens best she rings the hospital or goes in?! How far apart do her pains need to be before she can go in?
Ummm yes...:)

My lug didn't come away until my waters broke but I had mucusy stuff in the morning but not a lot....
And I would say call now, they like to hear when you have a contraction :)
I had to go in immediately Hun cos my l/o was prem so I'm not sure when to go in, but it sounds pretty certain that your friend will meet her baby soon :love:
Ooo how exciting!

She's keeping an eye on the pains ATM.... But will advise her to call!:D thanks girls xxx

they usually say waiting til contractions are 4-5 minutes apart hun before going in but always best to ring before to make sure x
Thank you sweetie for putting this on for me... Love ya dearly...
Well update is the dullache is still there like a period pain.. i had a few lightening pains in my belly but high... my bump is still doing the solid to non solid movements... doesnt feel like BH but it could be (heres hoping i want him to bake some more) I am having a strong pain moment (00:35 and just stopped at 00:42) im going to get another pint of water and try get some sleep...
Will keep you updated.... xxxxxxx <3
How exciting!! Sounds exactly how my labour started! Good luck!! Xx

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