question about OV


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Right well, last week i had lots of creamy white CM (sorry! :oops: ) in my knickers and when i wiped, this was for a couple of days where i also got very VERY light cramping, now thanks to you ladies i assumed that was because i was OV (never experienced it before - or probably never assumed anything!) - well the question is, how long does the creamy white CM last if your OV? i think when the CM was at its most was around last Wed/Thurs (i THINK dont quote me on that) yet i am still getting creamy white CM and wondering why?!?!

Good morning! Im here but really i shouldn't be as Im at work!

My CM usually lasts around 4 days. Last week i had loads of CM and even had cramping (like you!) but Fertility friend didn't detect OV becuase of my temps - i think im almost as confussed as you! Don't know if i Ov or not now!

As for still getting CM not sure, i seem to have gone a little sticky (sorry TMI!) so don't honestly have any idea. Im sure if you keep BDing your OH wouldn't complain! Or has he gone back to work now?
hes gone back now, boo hoo!! so if i havent caught on this month i doubt i am gonna for a long time... :(
I don't think i am going to be this month either - how long is he away for?
Sorry Hon, I'm usless at interpeting where people are at without seeing temps.
hes only away until the weekend but it depends if he is working! which he hopefully wont be! :pray: im just praying i got caught in the 2 weeks he was home!!! :pray: :pray:
don't worry hun - I'm not likely to catch this month either as Ian will be away on a course most of the time.
Hoping to use it as a 'practice' month - starting temping, so will be ready for next month!

Still keeping my fingers crossed that you haev caught already though hun!!!! :pray: :pray:
im hoping so mrsT - thanks!!!

still getting a bit of creamy white CM in my knickers - wonder why its still here?!? :oops:
isnt thrush itchy though??? im not having nothing just a bit of creamy cm
Yes it is itchy, but sometimes it is very mild, once I got checked out at the GUM clinic they told me I had thrush but I didnt think I had it because I wasnt itchy. It could be some other mild infection. I think alot of women get that sort of stuff alot of the time for no reason. Maybe its your DF's man juices that are coming out? I'm always confused as to what is CM and what is his juices lol.

I always get creamy CM for about 5 days, then have a few dry days then get EWCM for a few days. I ov when I get the EWCM.
No its clear, I thought EW meant egg whites, as in when you crack an egg and its clear and slimy :think:
lol - that's why I'm just temping to start with - this CM lark is too difficult for me!
I know. Maybe we stress out too much about TTC, I know I do anyway. Looking for signs all the time cant be healthy can it?
i shouldnt imagine so Jodie - its so frustating too isnt it? :wall: :wall:
DF's best mate's GF recently got PG after trying for a few months, i asked him to ask what they did, if they did anything different. he said that his mate had told his GF to stop worrying about it and relax, she did and fell straight away...

....if only it was that easy :roll:
VERY frustrating. The other month I tried to have a a month off from obsessing about it. I didnt let myself look at my calender, come on her, check for cm etc. But all the time I was still thinking about it, like I was calculating dates up instead of looking at my calender and stuff. You just cant get away from it can you :wall:

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