Q re Braxton Hicks

Piglet's Mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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When you get BH do you feel all of your bump go hard or just certain parts?

Mine has started to go hard at the higher end of my bump/uterus for a few seconds then loosens up again... is this BH? x
I'm not sure tbh. My bump does the same but in my case it seems to be baby poking its bum out :lol:

I don't even know if I've ever got a BH! x
When I get BH they're either all over or across the bottom... The only hardness I've had at the top is when lil madam's trying to escape alien stylie :roll: xx
mine is always my whole bump that tightens, very uncomfortable!! x
I will keep an eye on it - I think the RLT has started them off!

OMG Kay - you have 2 days!
I go in on Thursday for bloods and all that pre-op stuff then im in Friday at 6.30am to have him, though i dont know what time in the day! i cant believe how fast its come around and i can honestly say im shitting myself now!! it just goes so fast, its only a few weeks until your full term Jen! x
That's so exciting - it feels like there are so many July mummy's! I bet you can't wait - are you all ready? Bags packed?

I'm shitting it too, am more then happy to go over due as I'm NOT ready! Lol! x
Im all ready, have been for weeks coz ive felt like he might come on his own but doubt he will now! i keep getting the "im not ready" moment aswell and freaking out a bit about how i'll cope with 2, especially Ethan after a c-section! lol you wont b saying that if you do go overdue!! x
yes, mine goes hard on top too.
Actually get a lot of activity up at my ribs, lots of ribbing and bulges out, probably because I am breech at the moment, although I am hoping all this movement is him turning around!
I feel the same as you, unprepared and hoping for an overdue baby, but at the same time I am impatient and WANT HIM HERE NOW!!!
My bump goes rock hard all over, when I get hard bits at the top I think it's her bum pushing or she's stretching her feet out. The braxton hicks make me quite breathless, if I'm lying down I have to sit up an breathe through them - not comfortable! Xxx
When I first got them quite early on it was the very bottom of my bump that felt like it was being pulled with string. Now my bump goes hard all over.

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