Putting LO to sleep


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Everytime my LO wants to sleep even if it's daytime naps she wants me to hold her so she is front facing and walk with her up and down the living room or the bedroom then she falls asleep. When she was born she would always want me to her hold so she is on my shoulder but the position has now changed.

Is this the same with everyone? How does your baby fall asleep?

I've tried putting her in the Rocker and from time to time she does fall asleep in there.
Harrison has always gone to sleep in his cot.
Its really personal choice but she will get used to you holding her and it will make it harder for you to get her to go to sleep on her own.
Holly will fall asleep in any position - the problem we have is that she fights it, even when she is really tired and ca n barely keep her eyes open she will try her hardest to stay awake...

i think she is scared of missing something!!
my daughter will fall asleep in her cot, but she does prefer the carseat (when its in the car and the car is moving), the pushchair (also when its moving) or someone's chest on the couch :lol: bless them babies just like to be cuddled aww
I always put Dan down in his cot to sleep. I was told if you rock/hold them to sleep, you will have to keep rocking/holding them to sleep..............so I never did it. Occasionally if he's teething/not well I do have to rock him to sleep.
The difficult thing is that Ruby gets used to one thing then it changes so I have to try something new LOL.

Ive tried bloody everything but at the mo, well tonight, I put the blanket on the bed first then her on top as in to swaddle but didnt, then fed her then swaddled then in the cot. If I do it any other way she screams.

She loves being walked around until she sleeps but if i keep doing it id be walking up and down 24/7!!!!
amber always gets herself to sleep at bed time in her cot....

but wont slepp on her own during day she fights it constantly....i cuddle her to sleep then put her in her cot or on sofa all snug and she does stay asleep. she is all me at the moment i cant do anything without her part from hoover!!!!
rachie29 said:
Holly will fall asleep in any position - the problem we have is that she fights it, even when she is really tired and ca n barely keep her eyes open she will try her hardest to stay awake...

i think she is scared of missing something!!

Joseph does this too, cries/shouts but eventually, he basically passes out.

Once in a while, we can put him down to sleep in his cot but not every time. Some cases are that he falls asleep in his chair.

Problem is a culture difference between myself and my hubby. Our Nanny was African and my hubby was perfectly happy with how she handled Joseph, so was I, apart from when sleeping.

When I went back to work (at 7 weeks), I had got Joseph set in that he loved going to sleep in his cot. After 2 weeks with his nanny, there was no chance in hell, he was going to sleep in his cot. He'd have to sleep in your arms, then put him down.
My LO will only sleep if she has a boob stuck in her mouth :roll: The position doesn't seem to matter :?
Lola's Mummy said:
My LO will only sleep if she has a boob stuck in her mouth :roll: The position doesn't seem to matter :?

Sounds like my husband!!!

OK OK bad joke.....................I'll get my coat
Josephine_Beth said:
[quote="Lola's Mummy":2spkp77t]My LO will only sleep if she has a boob stuck in her mouth :roll: The position doesn't seem to matter :?

Sounds like my husband!!!

OK OK bad joke.....................I'll get my coat[/quote:2spkp77t]

:rotfl: :rotfl:

Ireally did lol at that :oops:
if we are at home during the day willow sleeps in her cot, all i have to do is put her in her grobag and shes away with the fairies same for at night put her down awake and within minutes shes sound asleep, if we are out however she will sleep in her buggy or carseat but she fights it a lot more but will eventually fall asleep(normally as we are just abnout to leave so we have to move her and wake her :doh: ) but i made a point of never holding or cuddling willow to sleep as i didnt want this to be the only way she goes.

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