Public transport


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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I had a friend the other day tell me how she would not travel on public transport :think:

Ok so a car is always better but she would rather miss something important then get on a bus?

Imo its ridiculous, does she think she is royalty :think:

What are your views?
Thats a bit sad IMO i'm sure no one LOVES public transport we all know how shite it is but i don't drive so i have no choice and i use buses/trains most days..its not ideal and i walk to all the nearby places and get public transport when i have to. I only use cabs when i have to like if i have too much shopping to carry or something, or it would be really expensive cabbing it everywhere!
i don't have a problem with public transport.

i'm old enough to drive yet don't as a car accident has put me off wanting to drive; the thought of being the driver if an accident happened i'd completely break down and go into panic attack mode so i tend to use public transport alot, mainly buses and trains.

to be honest i love nothing more than to get on a train and just go off round London for the day, seeing where me and friends end up.
i plan to do this still when i have a LO; jump on the train and take LO with London with me.

i don't think things should be missed or avoided because of not liking public transport.
Yes taxis are not cheap.

I told her to get a grip and look at what she can afford (not taxis thats for sure)
I don't drive so if OH isn't around with his car, I have to get on a bus. A couple years ago I worked in Aberdeen which was almost an hour on the bus each way! I enjoyed reading on the bus though, I imagine its less stressful than driving in rush hour, then having to find a parking space.

I think more people should use public transport for the environmental benefit. And public transport should be improved to encourage it :)

My sister has always been a snob and refuses to get the bus!
I agree Holly in London its actually easier to get around by train as the traffic is so bad anyway!!
Danielle your friend needs to get a grip and take her head out of her bottom! Lol!!
well, I don't have a car so if I want to go anywhere I have to use public transport, although I tend to walk and bike a lot.

It's excellent here, but I've noticed in the UK where my parents live (Harrogate) it's also pretty good. Also, the traffic is so heavy these days it's quicker to get a train or bus. My parents refuse to take the car to Leeds or York with them, as the queues and parking problems aren't worth the hassle.
i don't like public transport especially with two kids as people round here don't give up their seats or help get the buggy on board they will just watch you struggle. but if i really needed to i was i would definitely do it if i didn't have kids though.Plus around here we are lucky if the buses and trains turn up as they keep canceling buses :x
I haven't been on public transport for years but it's not because I wouldn't, it's just I love to walk and if it's too far or Kev's home we take the car.
I don't mind public transport but I walk anywhere local. However I think its outrageous how much it costs to go by train.
OH drives our car 20 minutes to work. If he took the train it would take him over 2 hours as theres no direct link, you have to travel into London and then out again. It would also cost him £22 a day. Thats £440 a month :shock: The trains are always dirty, late and you never get a seat. British rail should never have been privatised, public transport should be reliable and affordable.

End of rant! :lol:
Misslarue said:
I don't mind public transport but I walk anywhere local. However I think its outrageous how much it costs to go by train.
OH drives our car 20 minutes to work. If he took the train it would take him over 2 hours as theres no direct link, you have to travel into London and then out again. It would also cost him £22 a day. Thats £440 a month :shock: The trains are always dirty, late and you never get a seat. British rail should never have been privatised, public transport should be reliable and affordable.

End of rant! :lol:
Misslarue said:
I don't mind public transport but I walk anywhere local. However I think its outrageous how much it costs to go by train.
OH drives our car 20 minutes to work. If he took the train it would take him over 2 hours as theres no direct link, you have to travel into London and then out again. It would also cost him £22 a day. Thats £440 a month :shock: The trains are always dirty, late and you never get a seat. British rail should never have been privatised, public transport should be reliable and affordable.

End of rant! :lol:

I agree, the train fairs are outrageous.
Dont even get me started on public transport. i hate it! if i could afford to drive i would! sod the environment! lol

i was in the town centre with my mate and her baby and waiting for a bus to hers. we were carrying home his xmas pressie (a big box that contained a walker), and had the buggy plus some other shopping. for some reason buggy buses only run really rarely to hers but there should be one (a number 4) thatis always a buggy bus and runs hourly. we waited for an hour and a half (no other bus drivers knew what time it was due, those that did said it should have been there already). eventually it turned up- not only was it NOT a buggy bus for the first time ever but he let people off, made a hand gesture at us then drove off before we even opened our mouths! didnt help that LO had a chest infection too! and it was REALLY cold!

then later that night me and my mate went out for a night out. the babysitter had arrived so we cuaght the bus, the driver was on his mobile phone whilst driving, told us to "f***ing mind your own business" when we questioned it, over charged us and when we complained the bus company said as you two are the only witnesses we cannot do anything. well of course we were the ony witnesses, the bus was empty!!!

:oops: I won't get a bus. The last time I got one was over 6 months ago, my first night out after Evie and I was too pissed to argue with everyone else :lol: I don't really go anywhere far so I walk most places if I don't have access to a car. I am bit of a snob though :?

I used to commute to work everyday on the train and tube and it cost me £3,458 a year for my season ticket. :shock:
Having lived in London.. Public transport was the ONLY way to travel. It was too expensive to keep and run a car not to mention traffic and parking... but when we go back to the UK we rent a car because it works out far cheaper for all of us per day than going by public transport. :shock:

I don't use PT here because its poop....we only have a bus service and they only come once every half hour or hour depending on the destination and they run at ridiculous times... The nearest train station is in Alicante and it takes an hour to get there and the bus times never ever coincide with the train times so you have to get there an hour and half before your train...its appalling. They are nice though, air conditioned buses and the prices are really cheap for the quality...but still.. :roll:

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