starting to think about getting a pram

with the car seat do they have go in the front seat or back or either???
They recommend they go in the back, but they can be put in the front as long as there is no airbag fitted. Or at least thats what I think...but Im not that carseat savvy lol.
With car seats you need to check which seat is compatible with your car AND with which seat in your car. For instance I have 7 seats in my car and my maxi cosi is only compatible with 3 seats - the front only with the airbag disabled - and my toddler's seat is ok on 5 of the seats but the head rests need removing on 2 of them and the airbag disabling in the front. Most car seat manufacturers have a fitting guide on their website where you can put your car make and model in and it will tell you what works where. :)
god it sounds more complicated than i thougt.
It is because it SO important. After all their car seat is potentially a life saving piece of equipment - no one can afford not to do it 100% properly. You dont have to buy the most expensive but you MUST ensure it fits perfectly. I have a Maxi Cosi infact carrier and a Mothercare own brand toddler car seat. One relatively expensive and one good value one. The most important thing was that they fit and fit perfectly.
This thread is really interesting, I still have no broadband yet so am posting from my phone, which seems to take forever. I have my heart set on a bugaboo, oh's parent have agreed to buy us one, all I have to do is pick it. What are the differences between the cameleon and the bee? I didn't realize there was a new model coming out next month, does anyone know what the changes are going to be yet?
I dont know about the new model but I have had a Cameleon and a Bee.

The Cameleon has a proper carry cot pram option and a stroller option. The chassis and the carrycot/seat are 2 pieces so it takes up more room when folded than the Bee which is a one piece. The Bee is much narrower. Both are suitable from birth and have the interchangeable fabrics. The Bee is more of a 'city stroller' where the Cameleon will go off road really well - even beaches are a breeze. the Bee will go off road to a degree but not like the Cameleon. Both work with the Maxi Cosi car seat. Both front and rear facing.

They look very different and I think the Bee is a big of a Marmite job - I LOVE it but I do know people who dont like it - it does look like the insect that inspired it! :lol:
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Thank you, that was really helpful. I might stick to the cameleon but will look into them both some more. At least I understand the main differences now, thanks Hun x
I was talked into buying the Babystyle Oyster today. I was looking at a Quinny but the bloke said if the piston goes (the bit in the middle which pushes pram up) then you'd might as well buy a brand new chassis. He hated them! Only wanted the Quinny as it'd go in the back of my car. Oyster fits in better though, AND I can leave the stroller section on as it folds up! Dead impressed with it! Also fits the maxi cosi cabrio or pebble car seat! All in all it's a good £200 cheaper than the Buzz too! :-)
Check it out...

They're meant to be bringing loads of new colours out in the next 16 weeks although i'll be 34 weeks gone then so will sorta need it before then! We went for the green as we don't want to find out sex and the white will live in the washing machine!

Thank you, that was really helpful. I might stick to the cameleon but will look into them both some more. At least I understand the main differences now, thanks Hun x

I loved both. I am glad I had a Cameleon to start with because it went in the lounge as a moses basket/carrycot for her to sleep in during the day. You can do that with the Bee but the Cameleon is more 'bed like'. the only reason I changed to the Bee was space in the car. I needed to fit the pram and 2 dogs in at times and I just couldnt with the Cameleon. If Bugaboo did a double I'd be going for that too.

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