Driving lessons advice please!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
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I have had a provisonal licence fr a couple years but never had the motivation t do anything with it r the confidence, Its still in my old name!

Today waiting for the bus to come home, the bus decided to be late and it started to rain, now this is a trip I take often to see a friend, and have never really thought about it before,
Today I was stood there rubbing my tummy (sad I know at only 8-10 weeks ll!)
When I thought b0gger what happens if Im stood here with a newborn or toddler and the bus decides it cant be bthered to be on time!!

I wondered whether it would be expensive to get a car on the road, at mo we pay extoranite public transport prices and Im sick of it (£8 to go whats 15 mins in a car, 30 mins in a bus!)
And now considering talking to hubby about driving lessons, but am unsure whether he will take to
the idea!!

I need some plus points to throw at him etc, one of my biggest is we live in a rural area a car is a huge bonus!! esp with train fares etc going up!
It would be nice to travel with baby without having to struggle with packed trains, or inconsiderate bus drivers (the one this am drove off before I sat down, ending me on my butt on the floor! some old guy helped me up soon as he saw I had a bump!)
also shopping in winter its cold and wet, dont want baby gettin cold!
etc etc!!

How much does it cost for driving lessons, what does it involve what do I need to do etc?
Money is slightly tight at mo, but I reckn if he stops spending willy nilly on nothing and lets me sort him out each month I think I could put aside around £60 a month towards lessons maybe a bit more?!
what do you think? oo would my porvisonal still be valid, is it easy to get name changed?!
sorry for all the questions!!
thanks in advance!!
I don't drive and it is a bit of a pain getting around with a buggy etc (although you DO get used to it pretty quickly and I dropped my baby weight in an instant because of walking everywhere).

Driving lessons here are about £17 per hour- I don't know how many you'd need but I think the average is about 40 hours (so approx. £700) plus your test fees and then the cost of a car, tax, insurance, petrol, maintaining it etc etc. I am trying to find a link that I had a while ago but can't find it... but for me, the mileage I would do in a car means it would be cheaper for me to get taxi's than drive myself. I probably spend about £25 a month on taxis which is NOTHING compared to what I would be paying to have a car on the road.
living in a rural area my car is a godsend! i didn't have one for a while but i worked nearby and walked - until winter when the woods i walked through were pitch black, muddy and slippery! now I work in a nearby town (20 mins drive down the motorway) but to get the bus I'd have to leave before 6am to get there in time! (and i start at 8.30!) train is ok and i get it into the city and walk when possible but for some places/times if you don't want to stand around for hours waiting you need a car!
Go for it.. I have my test in just over a week :dance:

I paid £65 for my first 5 lessons so it worked out about £13 each. Then you are able to block book 10 for £170 = £17 each or you can pay £19 per lesson.

I live out of the main town where you do your test so I booked a 2 hour lesson each time to give me enough time to get to town and to all of the monouvres.

I can't wait to have the freedom of the roads :lol: Beats sitting on a bus with loads of chavs sat at the back with MC KNOBHEAD shouting and rave music blearing :lol:

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