Pub Quiz?


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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hey ladies,
What do you think about a pregnancy forum pub quiz? we can arrange a time for it to start ona specific night and then i'll ask the questions. You would only get 1 minute to answer the question (so no googling for you cheaters :moon: ) and at the end i'll add up thescores and announce the winner. :D
or does that just sound stupid? :oops:
Did you ever do the daily trivia quiz?

Am not sure if it's still running but that was a fun (and easier) way to do the quiz thang :D
sounds good to me!!! Although is it not a lot f work for you!!

Plus would it be in the chat room as it dont like me!!
oh yeah i forgot about that minxy, thanks hun :D

no sarah just a thread as then you could only anser between questions and if you dont answer then in time then you dont get the point :D
Another forum I was on used to do this, I always wanted to set it up here but was always too busy and it's a big job.

L*R I have ideas on scoring etc and how it would work, it used to be great in the last place I did it. I could see if my mate has any of the questions/answers left.
I used to run a pub quiz so could give you some questions
Urchin said:
Another forum I was on used to do this, I always wanted to set it up here but was always too busy and it's a big job.

L*R I have ideas on scoring etc and how it would work, it used to be great in the last place I did it. I could see if my mate has any of the questions/answers left.

I guess we could try it once and see how it goes?
how did it work on the other forum urchin? :D
It was for 1 hour, 30 questions, 3 points for the FIRST correct answer, 1 point for the other correct answers after that.
Urchin said:
It was for 1 hour, 30 questions, 3 points for the FIRST correct answer, 1 point for the other correct answers after that.

Oh, and everyone had a different colour font, the quizmaster was always in green though.

you go

*******************question 1*********************

then hit return, then paste the question in after that so everyone's ready.
Urchin said:
It was for 1 hour, 30 questions, 3 points for the FIRST correct answer, 1 point for the other correct answers after that.

oh that sounds good, so it would be 2 minutes to answer each question? and were the questions in catergories?
little*red said:
Urchin said:
It was for 1 hour, 30 questions, 3 points for the FIRST correct answer, 1 point for the other correct answers after that.

oh that sounds good, so it would be 2 minutes to answer each question? and were the questions in catergories?

not really timed as such, that's way too complicatd for the quizmaster, it's bloody hard doing the questions and the scoring, you just sorta give them a while to answer then say

********************The answer is XXXXXX**************

Sometimes they were in categories, sometimes not, we had some nights where it was all movies etc, and some nights where it was 5 movie questions, 5 geography, 5 general knowledge etc etc
so how would you sort out who was in the quiz? would they have to say their name before the quiz started or would you make a list of who wanted to enter through the week?

sorry to bug you with all the questions :oops:
ooooooo thiunds great hun, can we do it when im not working too just to be a pain in the bum :oops:
oooo I'd love that too :D

Hope its not a night when I'm working too :(
if it is libs we will have our own for just the two of us hbaha :rotfl:
yeah - we will have one with just gold and silver medals :wink:
mel, libs when would be suitable for you?
i'll try and make it a night where we can get as many people as possible, i dont want anyone the feel left out :D .
I can't do tuesdays or wednesdays on a regular basis :?
how about thursdays at 8pm?
do you think that would suit a lot of people?
i cant really do tuesdays or fridays as i have to sort out the caption comp and the weekends are always quiet on here so i dont think we would get many people doin it then.
should i do a poll for which day would be best and a poll for which time would be best?

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