*~* Pub Quiz *~* RESULTS ARE IN Pg 3

I thought it was brilliant Em, even the hard ones as I sat here laughing my head off to myself for being so dumb :lol: and I know some of the answers we gave were so funny so it was spot on :D I'll definately be up for it again!!
AND THE WINNER IS.....................................................

.................BELLYBUMP!!! :cheer:



1st Bellybump - 25 points
2nd SarahH - 24 points
3rd Kirlykird - 22 points

followed by:

4th Jaydesmummy - 21.5 points
5th Jaylasmummy - 20.5 points
6th lfc_sarah - 19 points
= 7th Lilysmummy & Tillytots - 17 points each
= 9th babyroo & natalie&jake - 16 points each
11th clairescunny - 14.5 points
12th Flossy82 - 8 points

:cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer:
Well done Bellybump :cheer:

Wahey 3rd place, not bad :dance:

Can't believe I didn't get the Oxford one!!! Looking at the answer now it's so bloomin obvious!!!! :doh:
kirlykird said:
Can't believe I didn't get the Oxford one!!! Looking at the answer now it's so bloomin obvious!!!! :doh:

I can't believe you did't get that one either....... :shakehead:

Well done BellyBump

God that was a close top 5!!

Thanks again EmmyLou!!
SarahH said:
Well done BellyBump

God that was a close top 5!!

Thanks again EmmyLou!!

You're welcome :hug:

It was a really close quiz!!
oooooh are you sure :shock: i guessed a load of them :shock:

lol, umm fanks :oops: I never won anything before lol haha

and as for the london one, i was writing london eye when i changed my mind, if i hadnt it would have been a draw lol
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

As for me...
Stupid computer!!! Freezing!!!
Not that it would have made a difference :rotfl: :wall:

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