*~*~* PUB QUIZ *~*~* Questions Thread

That was great fun, i think i made a bit of an arse out of myself. Thanks for putting it together Em :cheer: :hug:
omg, stressful haha

thanks for doing that though

i can go get romi now, he screamed his way through that lol, but no way was i getting him PMSL
bellybump said:
omg, stressful haha

thanks for doing that though

i can go get romi now, he screamed his way through that lol, but no way was i getting him PMSL


My puppy was wining by the back door...

Wee /poo... well find out now haha
How my bladder didnt burst then I dont know must go and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Thanks em. enjoyed it so much, why is it when under pressure you cant type or think :think: I havent got many right me thinks.
I really hope everyone enjoyed that :D

I'll tot up the answer and let you all know as soon as they're done - I'll also publish the answers :D

In the original pub quiz thread, can you let me know if you want this to be a regular thing?
Was there enough/ not enough time between questions?
Was it too hard :oops: or too easy :oops: or ok?

Thanks girlies 8)
Some of your replies in this thread have made me :D you girls are funny - quick - go let your dogs in/ release the wee/ soothe the babies :lol:
I said it iin the other thread.... but really what was I thinking

my answer - who the F*** is David Spacey - the actor is kevin spacey and it aint even him!!! :doh: :doh:
sorry i was crap at that and i was slow answering as i have dialup :rotfl:
I think this was fun, not too easy & not too hard, just on the right level! :)

Ypu put that friends one in there to throw me didn't you? :shakehead: :rotfl:
kirlykird said:
I think this was fun, not too easy & not too hard, just on the right level! :)

Ypu put that friends one in there to throw me didn't you? :shakehead: :rotfl:


I know who won....nur nur nur nur nur :D

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