problem with cycles...please help.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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Hi, It's not for me, but for a very good friend, she got maried last April, and really wants a baby, as us all, but she has a problem with her cycles. basically, she has periods anytime, sometimes, after 10 days, or 5 or 20, obviously she can't TTC at all. Her periods are quite heavy as well, and painful usually.

have you heard of anything like this, do you know what it might be about, etc... The reason why I am posting is that she leaves in pakistan, where these things can be quite taboo, and she feels reluctant to talk about it to a doctor, unless it's really she asked me if I knew anything, but I don't, so the next obvious step for me was posting on here...

mel x
She really needs to speak to a doctor hun, if she can have cycles of 5 days then she doesn't have anywhere near a long enough time for the egg to implant even if she does get fertilization. If her cycles were 20 - 40 odd days then maybe, but not 5 and 10. :(
Hello Mel!

I think your friend should see her doctor, i feel sorry for her if her culture is such that she cant talk to a doctor because its taboo. My doctor is lovely i dont know what i'd do without her. :D

Perhaps she could try drugs to regulate the cycles, something like clomid? I know there are things out there to regulate the length of a cycle.

Sorry cant be more helo hun!
I agree with the previous ladies...a doctor would be the best option.
There are many things that can make her cycle irregular, like stress and malnutrition, or possibly the lack of a hormone. Only a doctor would be able to rule some of these out. (Polycystic ovaries is one condition that sticks out in my mind, but I have no experience with it myself so I can't say that it causes those things)
And Kelly, i've experienced that. My friend had irregular periods and wanted to conceive. She was put on BC to regulate her periods, then they were going to consider fertility drugs once her cycle was regulated.
Also, you are a very considerate friend to post her question for her! Tell her we ALL wish her luck and she's in our thoughts.

I think she should go and see a Dr really. Could she ask for a female Dr?

Give her our best :hug:

Thanks ladies, I have forwarded your replies to her, and I have encuraged her to go and speak to a dorctor. It's not that you wouldn't talk to a doctor about these things, it's just a culture, or more like an education, she is still quite young, compared to me, anyway... :roll:
And she doesn't feel comfortable talking about this with a male doctor. I think she will though, the wish for a baby will be stronger, I am sure :)

I have done some more research, about all the problems, and I am not sure what it is really, but it's quite sacry, she needs to know what's going on!!
Thank you for your nice wishes, I will pass them on to her :hug:

Mel xx
melhoney said:
Thanks ladies, I have forwarded your replies to her, and I have encuraged her to go and speak to a dorctor. It's not that you wouldn't talk to a doctor about these things, it's just a culture, or more like an education, she is still quite young, compared to me, anyway... :roll:
And she doesn't feel comfortable talking about this with a male doctor. I think she will though, the wish for a baby will be stronger, I am sure :)

I have done some more research, about all the problems, and I am not sure what it is really, but it's quite sacry, she needs to know what's going on!!
Thank you for your nice wishes, I will pass them on to her :hug:

Mel xx

Hey Mel,

I've got to say, it sounds a little like Endometriosis. Heavy Painful periods are very much a sign of it, and irregular periods could be also a sign of PCOS. I was diagnosed with suspected endo a number of years back (i've got heavy periods still but not the same pain) It used to put me out for two days. Basically day one i couldn't move and would vomit everywhere from the pain. Not very nice at all.

The only way they can diagnose it is by putting in a laporoscopy to check if there are abnormal growing cells on the outside of the womb. There are some things that you can do about it, sometimes operations to laser the cells away helps, sometimes hormonal treatments helps. It might be worth her trying some Agnus Castus as that helps to alleviate a lot of the hormonal side of it which might help a little.

But definitely i would see a doctor regarding this. It's not very nice but it's better to make sure and see if there's anything that can do. Personally i prefer natural methods to modern methods, but it's personal choice.

Let us know how she goes.

Hope this helps a little.

Take care

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