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Worried - Very Long Cycles

Little miss pink

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Hi Girls

My fiance really wants to start a family after we are married in July 07. (setting the scene - we are both 27, been together 11 years and i have an IUD).

Around a year ago i started to experience painful ovulation so i was tested for various things but everything came back clear but at this time i began to monitor my cycles and have done ever since.

My problem is i have realised that i have really long cyles for example i am on day 44 now with no premenstural signs. Most of my cycles are around the 40 day mark and my longest was 55 days.

I am really worried that this mean i might have an undiscovered fertility problem or that i might have problems concieving and i'm scared to death.

Does any one else on here suffer from long cycles can anyone reassure me?

hi my cycles vary but have always been on the longers side varying between 21 and 50 days. generally in around spring i will miss a month completely, at the moment i am on day 35 of my cycle.
Me too, I had all your symptoms, (including a 42 day cycle, plus the occassionaly one in its 50's) yet managed to conceive. I went to the dr about it, and she said that what people are looking for is when periods actually miss cycles, not so much the length of the cycle. Like you I got nasty oulation pain, often needing to lie down, and getting fever symptoms at the same time. As I was worried that I wouldn't know when I was ovulating, my dr advised me to try on those times when I really felt like it - this was always two weeks after my period, meaning I commonly had about another 4 weeks to go before my period started. Good luck with it, if you've had a lot of tests and they've been fine then hopefully you still are. I know you can buy those ovulation kits, but Iv'e personally not tried them, I found it easier to try when I felt like it as my dr put it lol. I'm 35 now, and conceived basically when we started trying and when I was 34, so I've got a few years on you! Good luck with the wedding :)
Thanks for that :D :D

It was that kind of reassurance i was after. :D The more i hear of people with long cycles conceiving the less stressed i get. So thank you for taking the time to post.

Hopefully my fertility is fine :pray: :pray: :pray:

I just don't uderstand why i cannot normal (if there is such a thing) and have a more regular shorter cycle, so when we start to TTC its not so difficult to track down when i'm ovulating :(

But thats just me feeling sorry for my self i guess :oops: :oops:

Thanks again for taking hte time to post :D

You have an IUD is that right? I have heard lots of people say that they get less and even no periods when they have these fitted. If this is the case, you really won't know what your cycles are like until you have it removed.


Heather x
Really i didn't know that! Hopefully if i have it removed i will go back to more regular shorter cycles then. :think:

The thing is though i don't understand how and IUD can affect your cycles because i thought (with my little knowledge) it didn't play a role in the menstrual cycle at all and just stopped fertilisation or implantation. See i have the one without any hormone. But maybe the body can sense the foreign body and reacts by longer cycles - i don't know :oops: :roll:

Can any one shead any moe light on this :)

Thanks for your post.


Just thought ide wish you luck by the sounds of things it wont affect you ttc.
Hi Girls

I'm on cycle day 51 now so this must be one of the longer ones, i am still worried but don't want to hound the doctors.

Does any one else have cycles this long?

Becky x

Good luck!

I wouldn't worry too much about your cycle length as a lot of women have conceived on here despite not having an AF for ages! :pray:
I'm on day 40 and no AF yet, will be testing soon.
We are ttc, but i do have long cycles which doesnt help.
My last cycle was 56 days and I'm on day 25 atm and no ovulation yet.
I possibly have PCOS tho.

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