Problem-free pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2008
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Hi Mums!

Just wondering... in your experience, did you find that a problem-free pregnancy also meant a relatively problem-free labour? And similarly, a difficult pregnancy led to a difficult labour? Or does it vary?

Thanks!! x
I had a pretty easy pregnancy, gave birth 3 weeks early and had a quick 5 hour labour :lol:
i had 2 trouble free pregnancies up until birth and then my first was long and hard my second was a nightmare
I had quite an easy pregnancy. Had him 5 weeks early and was in labour for 5 hours
problem-free pregnancy, but horrible induced, 2 week overdue birth.

Easy pregnancy: grim, drawn out 4 day labour.
My first was a lovely trouble-free pregnancy and relatively short, easy labour at 5 hours. This one is going pretty good too so I'm hoping for more of the same!
I had a relatively easy pregnancy - no particularly bad morning sickness, 2 water infections (1 resulting in overnight stay in hospital as it had turned to kidney infection), and sciatica at the very end. I think people have had a lot worse pregnancies than that.

I had a labour which started with a sweep at term +9 - I had him the following day. I was booked in for induction at term +12, so luckily for me he got a move on 2 days beforehand :cheer:

Good luck with your pregnancy :D
ok, im getting really irritated by all you ladies above me who got easy pregnacies lol

1st baby, relatively easy, MS until 14 weeks, gave birth at 30wks after a 52 hr labour

this time is gettin harder and harder, but hopefully relatively easy birth lol
I am on my 3rd quite easy pregnancy,

Long labour (back to back) with first
Quick labour but bad tear with second.

It's a nice idea that you get a nice easy birth if you had an easy pregnancy but it depends on too many things I think.
The best thing you can do for an easier labour and birth is spend time now getting baby into a good position. :)
my first pregnancy was easy peasy, no problems at all.......the labour went on for 17 hours, i had 3 epidurals, (none of which worked properly :roll: not sure they put in in right tbh) then had to have ventouse and episiotamy (sp?) :evil: so, labour wasnt great, lol, hoping for better this time!! :pray:
other than mild spd i had no problems during pregnancy.

labour was ok too but had to have a section as Ellies head was too big as she was a big baby.
Crap pregnancy - morning sickness, heartburn, SPD etc

Horrible Labour - long, drawn out, back2back, bad tear, cord around neck etc
Loved my pregnancy, In hospital for 10days - Section -Resusitation (sp)
relatively straightforward pregnancy but bad m/s.

14 hour labour - baby got stuck and ended up ventouse.
I had a good pregnancy, up until the last few months, in and out of hospital, days at a time, on breathing machines and such, mouth abcesses galour!

My labour was 30hrs long, no pain killers, no sleep, no food and basically, hardly any company or moral, yep, bad labour and horrid pregnancy!
I would say I had an easy-ish pregnancy, apart from constant hospital visits due to low fluid and bad hips and pre-baby blues towards the end. Pre-labour was long (18 hours), 8 hours established labour. Had half a failed epidural, forceps delivery episiotomy and a 2nd degree tear :(

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