Probably going to start...


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2012
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I'm breaking out. Which usually happens before I start my period. Breaking out for me is three pimples. Can it also be a symptom of Pregnancy? Would I get the symptom around the same time my period symptoms start to kick in? Opinions or anwsers very appriciated. :petal:
My boobs hurt. Just wanted to throw that sympton in there as well. :cry:

:night: Also, if you haven't noticed by now I have some crazy dreams.. :nap: My dream last night was weired.. I took a test, and got a :bfp: Instead of being happy, I felt trapped, hopeless, scared, and didn't want to be pregnant. :shock: I'm the kind of person who always gets memorable, realistic dreams that I believe in. I've had many dreams that eventually came true. I get deja Vu more than your average, my DB thinks i'm a psychic LOL. Anyways my dream last night makes me think twice about :ttc: right now.
i have to say i was never one for spots but i did notice before i knew i was pregnant that I had a few more than normal and did wonder if thats what it was too. I think my symptoms started really early as period was 22nd december and by new year i wasny really myself more tired, sicky feeling and the metal taste in my mouth so I was prety sure early on - will keep everything crossed for you keep us posted xx
most AF symptoms are also symptoms of pregnancy. I get a spot in the exact same place every month about a week before AF is due, and i also got a spot in the exact same place the week before AF was due, but instead of AF i got a BFP.

so impossible to tell really
Yeah jus like Lynds said alot of early preg symptoms are very similar to AF and the fact every girl is diff it makes it that bit harder you are almost 14dpo right? Why not to a hcg jus incase :D ?
Thank you everyone for the feedback, you all are so helpful! I really wasn't expecting a reply since it's so early haha.

@russelmuscle, I have no idea how many dpo I am. I had some white stuff leak out of me yesterday, which could be HIS :sperm: from the day before (sorry tmi) or possably ovulation? I want to take a hpt when I know I will get an accurate result. I'm going to wait and see if AF comes, the only problem is that I have no idea when she's coming this month LOL. I started the 5th in Febuary, but normally I start on the 7th every month. Feels like forever I'm having to wait. :wall2:
That's exactly why I'm waiting despite being Kate. Last time was early so it could just be body regulating . Good luck

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