Private Gender Scans

Well look at it this way...

If you get your NHS scan and baby has its legs crossed, then thats it, you won't find out.

But if you get a private scan they will keep trying until they can tell you, as thats the service you are paying for (probably within reason though!)
Nicola said:
^^ Oh will be so interesting to see if your 'result' at the 20 week scan is the same. My scanning woman (we didn't like her!) told me it was far too early and she'd not even tell women at 20 weeks if it was uncertain. She was a right misery moo though...hope I get someone more cheery for the 20 week appointment!! :roll:

I know, i'll find out on the 15th March when i'll be just over 22 weeks. I reakon she's right and the chinese pridiction says the same as her and was right for Aimee (my first). why dont you try that?
I cant remember excatly what she said but its to do with how they lie and if you see 2 white dots its actually a girl....
Personally...I would wait see what comes up at your 20 week scan then if you don't find out or still want another scan spend it on a 4D scan it is so magical and so different from the ones you get at the hosp...As for your oh the 4d scan seems to make the baby more real to them, my DH has been much more excited and connected to the baby since the 4D scan more than any of the other 3 scans we have.

Also after 20 week scan its a long wait to see your LO again till birth if there are no further scans.

Our 4D scan cost £97.50 in the end
Oh I couldn't wait........I'VE BOOKED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 days and counting downwards!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
You won't regret it.

Ours was amazing today, just what I wanted. The sonographer makes you feel really special too which is nice.

Worth the money definately! 8)

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