How much are your scans?

I do but then I keep thinking they are the same price as the cot bed I want :lol: I would love to see him again but I'll just have to be patient and get all excited over all your piccies instead :D
aw well then how about buying some dumpling mix, and spending the afternoon making baby shapes ?? I think most 4d scans look like dumplings . . . .. . . still cant wait though, could NO WAY afford a private scan, but best mate is a lucky lucky lovely, well orf lady whos getting me mine as a pressie :cheer:
Redshoes said:
We got the £99 package for Isaac's 4D scan;

Babyview 4D - THIRTY minute appointment - 3D/4D Parental Bonding Scan

30 minute appointment
DVD of 4D scan movies (approx 10 minutes)
CD ROM of 3D scan pictures
Fetal Sexing (optional)
TWO high quality 6x4 colour photographs.

They're in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK

I forgot to say you can take family and friends with you too as it is all shown for you on a big plasma widescreen TV and the CD of pics contains about 30 still images, I would recommend them :D I too am shocked at some of the other prices :shock:
Am thinking about doing one of these! :lol:


10 min 2D Sexing scan £60.00 From 20 weeks.

10 min 2D Sexing Scan Including DVD £75.00. From 20 weeks.

10-15 min 4D Scan Including DVD £99.50*. From 24 weeks, multiples from 22 weeks

20-30 min 4D Scan £111.00*. From 24 weeks, multiples from 22 weeks

20 - 30 min 4D Scan Including DVD £152.00*. From 24 weeks, multiples from 22 weeks

All scans include 4 thermal black and white pictures
Sexing is included at no extra charge
Music is added at no extra charge
Multiple pregnancies are no extra charge, but we would recommend the longer 4D scan for twins
If baby is in a bad position and we cannot get good images we will invite you back for a free re-scan

Also Available:

CD-ROM - £15 at weekends (1/2 price on Fridays)

Colour pictures available seperately - £4.50 each

Midly there in Ipswich!!!
scatterpatch said:
aw well then how about buying some dumpling mix, and spending the afternoon making baby shapes ?? I think most 4d scans look like dumplings . . . .. . . still cant wait though, could NO WAY afford a private scan, but best mate is a lucky lucky lovely, well orf lady whos getting me mine as a pressie :cheer:

Great idea :D And lucky you, what a lovely Auntie your LO has ;)

I will just casually browse the Ipswich site though :D Thanks for the link Jollypops :)

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