4D Scans

Small Flower

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Hey girlies,

We're wanting to have a private gender scan, but wonderng if we can have a 4d scan as well. i'll be 18 wks next wk, most websites say from23 wks, but afriendof a friend had one done at about 14 wks.

Anyone had one earlier than 23 wks?
I thought it was around 23/24 weeks earliest but I think Bellybump on here had one earlier, not sure exactly how many weeks she was..? xxx
It may vary from company to company. I'd have a ring round the places nearby you that offer them :)
Everything I've read on 4D scans is usually only after 24 weeks, very rarely from 22 weeks (most of those 22 week places seem to be in the US)

Apparently the optimal time for best images and so on is around 28 weeks for a single baby, 24-27 for twins before they run out of room.

Hope that helps :)
Every company I've looked at only do them from 24 weeks.

I was told it's because the baby is bigger and start's to put on it's baby fat around this time so everything is more clearer and you get better pics :)
I had one at 21.5 and it was fab, really clearly saw features, smiles, checkbones, nose, filtrum etc. He even stuck his little fingers up at us. Go for it if you are feeling eager, it was a great experience.

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