Preventing stretch marks


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Is it worth spending money on expensive moisturisers? I've heard good things about Palmers Cocoa Stretch Marks Cream but in Morrisons it cost nearly £5 for a small bottle (125g?), when the own brand cocoa butter moisturiser is under £1 for the same amount!

Should I shell out for the expensive one or will the cheap one be just as good... Any advice?
i think Bio oil is meant to be the new thing and very effective too.
I used tesco's cocoa butter moisturiser all through my pg with Ella and didn't get any on my tum :) So for me the own brand was fine :)
I think its all snake oil to be honest, if your going to get stretch marks your going to get them , its genetics and no amount of cream will stop it happening. However some creams are good at helping reduce the redness quicker one they have appeared. I used Bio Oil and mine faded really quickly. Although as it is an oil myself and someone else I know found it made our bumps really itchy during pregnancy as the skin couldnt breath (was really horible) so it might be better to wait intill baby is born then use this and if possible retin A cream which you can get from your GP (not if your breast feeding) and this will reduce them in no time.
Yeah unfortunately some ladies are just more prone to stretch marks than others.

Bio-Oil is great for fading scars/stretch marks I recommend it to clients, but cocoa butter really is the best thing for prevention as it contains lots of vitamin E and elastin which prepares the skin to stretch rather than fading anything thats there.

But like I said...some people are just lucky and their skin contains higher levels of elastin which regardless of whether they used cream or not, would not be prone to the buggers!
i use the palmers cocoa butter strech mark cream, and honestly i'd say it was a waste of money. i havent noticed any change to my s/m and actually think they look more faded when i dont use it! plus it has a funny smell to it which i dont really like, i was contemplating buying the bio-oil but not sure if that would just be a waste of money too. :D
I agree if you're going to get them, you are going to get them. I have palmers and i also have gained stretchmarks all over, arms, legs, bum, tummy :( i never had stretchmarks before i was pg :shock:
like cat said i agree with her, bio oil is brill after you have baby, u cant see my stretch marks at all now really, can feel them if i rub my belly. the bio oil faded them so quick, but it does make ur bump itchy if your applying it during the summer.
Thats good i will get some for after :) thanks
I used Bio oil for a few weeks but got bored :lol:
My arse looked like a purple zebra (well it was when I could see it again after the birth!) but I only got stretchmarks on my tum in labour from the contractions tightenign my tummy so hard. They are only teeny though and have faded on their own. I thought I would get loads as I had loads on my (allbeit tiny) boobs from puberty.
I don't think it matters what you rub on but apparantley its the massaging of the skin that stimultes the elasticity from within. I have used Burts Bees baby oil, cocoa butter (tesco and palmers) bio oil and extra virgin olive oil. I have none as of yet and spend most evenings rubbing something in for at least 20 minutes. Baby loves it too and wiggles around and sometimes pushes her foot up ino my hand :D
Well done Skatty you have been listening to the resident Beauty Therapists advice!!

It does work doesnt it? :D I know my stuff lol
i think as long as you rub something in it doesnt really matter if your going to get them you will :( i use bio oil or vaseline intensive care depending on my mood xxx

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