

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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Hello, I'm new to this forum and wanted a little advice. I'm 25 yrs old and my hubby and I have just started trying for a baby 3 months ago. I have endometriosis so am expecting it may take me a little longer to conceive (as advised my my Dr.). Anyway, I was due for my period yesterday and had some light cramping yesterday but still no period. I have incredibly sore breasts (much sorer than normal) and a stonking headache and feeling light headed. I am assuming i'm not pregnant as I thought these were just my period symptoms but is it possible to get period like cramping even when you are pregnant? Also a few days ago I some odd twitches in my abdomen (like when your muscles twitch or eyes twitch). Is it possible I may be pregnant and should I take a test?

Sorry for the ramble, I am pretty new to the whole prenancy thing :lol:
hi hun :wave: first off let me welcome you to the forum

it sounds like you could be pregnant but you could not be....the only way you will find out hun is if you take a test, and as you say your period is a day late you can take a test and find out now.

good luck and let us know the outcome :pray: :hug:
Hiya :wave: and welcome

I would say take a test its the only way to find out. You will need to try the more sensitive ones like clearblue or first response as they pick up on smaller amounts of the hcg hormone.

Best of luck and fingers crosse.

btw incase you are pregnant don't take ibuprophine tablets for your headache better to take paracetamol as you're allowed these when pg.
Thank you for the replies, this whole pregnancy thing is so stressful! I'm stuck at work at the moment but will go an test as soon as I am let out. Will let you know. Keep your fingers crossed for me :D
smurf said:
btw incase you are pregnant don't take ibuprophine tablets for your headache better to take paracetamol as you're allowed these when pg.

thanks for letting me know, I actually wasn't aware of that. I will go buy some paracetamol now :)
no problem the other thing to remember is when testing do it first thing in the morning as your hormone levels will be higher.
thank you, I will do that. I've just realised that I'm actually 3 days late for my period...really hope it's good news! :D
i was told by my doctor with the tests these days you can test anytime.
Oh I didn't know that Mary :D

Best of luck KJL fingers crossed its a bfp
thanks guys...I have everything crossed right now :D
i had the similar symptoms as you, i wa so tired as well, i could hardly get through a day!! :lol:

do a test, im on tenterhooks here!

good luck.xxxxxxx
fingers crossed for you hun - update us ASAP!!

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