Pregnant with Crohn's, anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
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I have just become pregnant and have Crohn's disease. I would love to talk to anyone else who has been pregnant with Crohn's or UC. I find out Wednesday if they will officially classify me as "high risk". Thanks in advance for any responses.
I have got U.C or should I say I had, I had my colon out Last Feb and have a ileostomy. I am 11 weeks this Friday just gone.
I don't know if I will be classed as high risk with that but I am also diabetic so I know they will worry about my diabetes.
Hope all go's well and please let me know how you get on.
I am 20 weeks pregnant and have uc. Have had it since age 9 but it is generally under control and have never had any surgery. It has definitely made my pregnancy more difficult as I have a low level flare up which started when I got my bfp. I have a lot of discomfort at night. My consultant and midwife are not worried about me and I am not high risk. I hope your pregnancy goes well. I understand what it's like so am here if you ever need to chat. Xx
Hi Crazy Cat... not sure if you'll read this as you last posted a long while ago, but I saw this today and wanted to get in touch. I am just 7 weeks pregnant and was diagnosed with UC two years ago. I had a flare up at the end of last year and was taking a high dose of cortisone when I got pregnant, only to miscarry at 8 weeks. I can't help wondering whether the two were connected. This time I was not taking any meds when I got pregnant....but have been struggling with the UC recently, especially, like you, at night. The pregnancy seems to ahve made everything worse. Can I ask how your midwife reacted to your situation? Any concerns or advice? Although I have several healthy pregnancies in the past, this is the first with UC, so anything you could tell me would be lovely to hear. all the best to both you and newmom19. Hope all is going well xx
My midwife had no real issue with the uc - wrote to consultant to check medication. I am on colazide and azathioprine - I didn't take the colazide for the first 4 months (but that was my choice as online it says not to take it). I suggest talking to your consultant or ibd nurse if there is one. My uc has settled a lot now. I'm sorry if I am not much help, getting the disease as a child means I am not nearly as ill as those who get it later in life. All the best for this pregnancy, keeping everything crossed for you xx
Shania- sorry to hear your UC has been acting up.

I saw a specialist and she was mostly concerned that I be able to gain and maintain weight as well as keep flares under control so the baby gets all its nutrients. She also had me do extra iron tests since I have been anemic before.

I would contact your midwife and whoever you see for your UC and ask them about what to do. I hope things improve for you.
I have crohns, been diagnosed for over 10 years now. Been in remission for a few years, thankfully pregnancy hasn't flared it up the only thing that has worried Dr's is my inflammatory levels and iron levels. Im classed as high risk, crohns is one of the factors why. Hope you're well x

Hi I don't have crohn's but I have ulcerated colitis and have been fine until a month ago now I have such bad pain when I eat that at the moment I am living on complan and soup. I am also classed as high risk due to colitis and diabetes.
So glad your doing well, take care x
I have UC. Long story but been unwell for 6 years. Scopes and biopsies done in 2011. Told UC, then saw a different specialist who said it was 'just' IBS and withdrew the diagnosis.

Not classed as high risk in pregnancy as 'just' ibs but was asked to go to a few extra appointments. Stopped all meds. Then end July was really ill with bleeding (which never went away but I was always told it was a fissure or a hemorrhoid) and saw a different dr to my usual one. He went ape s**t and said I should have been having much more help. Re-diagnosed with UC. Got to go for another scope once baby is here.

The only problem I have had really is diarrhoea throughout the pregnancy. It was so bad in mid July that I became dangerously dehydrated and bloods came back as high ketones (as did urine) and low potassium. I had to stay in hospital on IV fluids until they were happy for me to leave.

I would say just keep a note of any bad days you have and keep yourself hydrated. I have been using dioralyte sachets when I have really bad days.

You might be lucky and have no symptoms while pregnant. Some women get a break from it all.
I am drinking lots, had keytones when I went to medi-obs on Monday so they are keeping a eye but I just so want to eat.
Iron and potassium is ok at the moment, was taken in to hospital two weeks ago due to not even keeping water in.
I had surgery in Feb. 2013 had large intestine removed and I have a ileostomy which they think is causing the pain due to scar tissue, so fingers crossed after I have baby pain will go.
I have lots of blood loss and mucus due to still having a bit of rectum left.
So far the Crohn's has been doing good during my pregnancy. I've had no flares so far and iron levels look good. I will be so happy when I get past the 37th week and can relax a little bit.

Sorry for those of you that are flaring. That is so hard, especially without supportive doctors. I will be keeping everything crossed for you.
I am so glad that your not having any flare ups, I have had it all oh the joy of colitis oh well it will all be worth it when I hold baby in my arms.

I have everything crossed for you that you have no flares and you have a fantastic pregnancy.

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