Pregnant or Period?


New Member
Dec 20, 2018
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Hello! I’ completely new to this so apologies haha!

So my period is about 4/5 days late, it’s never late, always regular! I’m getting period like (or pregnancy) symptoms but they are completely opposite to my usual ones which come on like clockwork!

I’m usually very emotional, cramps for the first day and breasts are super sore. I also usually get some weird sharp pain the day before down there which ive no idea what it is :?

Now, my boobs arent sore but swollen and my nipples are super sensitive! No cramps or pain, just a weird tingly feeling i cant describe and every now and then a little queasy.. I was constipated over the weekend which doesnt happen on my period at all and i havent ate differently.
I had a day or 2 of being really light headed every time i moved or stood up, I keep needing to wee and sleeping for 12 hours

It’s also been a week or 2 since I last had intercourse and probably over the time i was ovulating.. Is it too early for a pregnancy test?
If your period is late a test will be 99% accurate by now. Pregnancy/PMS symptoms are pretty much the same so a test is the only way to know! Good luck. Hope you get the result you want x
If your period is late a test will be 99% accurate by now. Pregnancy/PMS symptoms are pretty much the same so a test is the only way to know! Good luck. Hope you get the result you want x

Yeah that’s why im so on edge! symptoms are just baffling me.. hopefully I get time to go get a test tomorrow, Thank you! xx

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