Pregnant after ecotpic?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2014
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Hi All! Three and a half weeks ago I was diagnosed with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and underwent surgery. I'm not sure if my tube was removed or not as we received conflicting information while in the hospital, but will find out for sure when we see the surgeon.

I've been pregnant 3 times (including the ectopic) and didn't experience any of the usual pregnancy symptoms, nausea, etc. at the beginning. What does happen to me is my libido goes into extreme overdrive! To the point that it's just about all I can think about. Odd symptom I know, but it happened during my first 2 pregnancies and now that I'm thinking of it, during the ectopic as well. Guess what....yesterday my libido seems to have gone back into overdrive again.

Anyway, my question is how long after experiencing an ectopic did you get pregnant again?

It seems awfully soon to be able to fall pregnant again, AF hasn't arrived since surgery but then again I was irregular prior to that so I don't really have a guide as to when to consider myself "late".

Any thoughts? How long before you became pregnant?
Hi sweetie, just seen this and want to share with you my story. I have been pregnant 4 times, two resulting in healthy pregnancies (well, sort of,) one ended in a missed miscarriage, and then 5 weeks ago, I was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy and had surgery to remove my left tube and the pregnancy. A week ago I found out I am expecting again. I did a couple of pregnancy tests two weeks after the surgery and they were very negative, not even a hint of a second line. OH and I didn't plan to get pregnant so quick after the ectopic pregnancy but it has happened and we have come to terms with it and are very excited :) I called EPU and they have booked me in for the 24th of this month, the woman on the phone recognized my voice and name and said it isn't common for people to be back so quick but it isn't impossible. I hope it happens for you again soon, and I hope it all goes well xx
Thanks Twinkletoes and sorry for your loss. I couldn't imagine going through this twice!

I guess it's always a possibility I could be pregnant already! We go to see my family physician in a couple of days and just had a whole bunch of tests (blood work, etc.) drawn today for him as well as I've been having blood drawn weekly since the surgery to monitor the HCG level. I'm sure if my HCG levels started going down then are coming back up again he'll notice! Hopefully he'll have some answers! I'm just a big ball of nerves until then!
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Hi i have just joined the forum and was looking to speak to someone that is pregnant again so quickly after an eptopic pregnancy that ruptured as this has happened to me! i had my surgery to remove my left tube on 18th Jan this year and tomorrow I will be 6 weeks pregnant!! im so happy but obviously very concerned as i know i have conceived extremely quickly! i am booked in to have my scan EP scan on monday and just hoping that baby is in the right place this time! Nomi76 and twinkletoes87 how did everything go with yours? x
Leah, hi just posted to you on nov mummies...twinkletoes 87 is on this thread too so you are both in the same boat.
Hi Leah, my scan at 6 weeks went well, shamrock is in the right place and I've got another scan on Monday at 8 weeks. It is a very nerve wracking time but this one feels so different from the ectopic pregnancy, a lot stronger and I've had no bleeding at all this time around, only slight twinges whereas I had a lot of pain before too. What time is your scan on Monday chuck? Xx
Mine was a false alarm, hormones playing tricks or something as AF showed up about a week and a half later.

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